
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


  新东方四六级名师曹倩、尹延、余浩视频点评本次考试 新东方四六级名师曹倩、尹延、余浩视频点评本次考试

  四级备考攻略:作文范文模板大全 做模拟试题 高频词汇记忆 历年真题
  六级备考攻略:作文范文模板大全 做模拟试题 高频词汇记忆 历年真题 

  It's very hot today, isn't it?
  Isn't it hot today?
  Today's a scorcher.太阳火辣辣的天气
  It's blistering hot. /It's extremely hot.
  It's a fine day today. /It's beautiful today.
  It's nice today.
  What's the forecast for tomorrow?
  It's going to be cold. 会冷吧。
  What will the weather be like tomorrow?
  What's the weather going to be tomorrow?
  What's tomorrow's forecast?
  How's the weather today?--It's hot.
  Is it going to rain today?
  I doubt it.我想不会
  We're expecting some rain.
  It's going to rain. /It's supposed to rain.
  Rain is expected.
  I heard it might rain.
  It's raining.
  It's going to rain today. /It will rain today.
  It's hot today.
  It's warm today. /It's a warm day.
  It's cold today.--It sure is. 就是。
  It's chilly today. / It's cool today.
  It's nippy today. 冷的刺骨
  It's windy today.
  It's humid. /It's really humid today. 闷热
  Yeah, my body is sweaty.
  It's dry.
  It's wet today./It's rainy today.
  It's stormy.
  There is going to be a storm today.
  It's snowing. --Yeah! Let's go skiing.
  It's gloomy./It's cloudy. 阴天
  It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.
  Why are you taping your windows?
  A typhoon is coming.
  A typhoon is on its way.
  It's foggy. 雾/It's freezing. 结冰
  It's very cold today.
  We're going to have a blizzard.要下暴风雨
  It's pleasant. /It's comfortable. 这天真舒服
  It's mild today./It's a nice day.
  It's misty. 雾蒙蒙的
  Let's go sunbathing.日光浴
  But, it's overcast today. 阴天
  It's cloudy today./It's gloomy.
  It's miserable. 糟糕的天气
  It's a terrible day. /It's an awful day.
  I'm sensitive to heat. 我怕热
  It's breezy today. 今天风和日丽
  It's a breezy day.
  It's uncomfortable today.
  It's unpleasant today.
  The heat is killing me.
  It's raining cats and dogs! *瓢泼大雨
  It's frosty today. / It's a frosty day. 下霜了



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