
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


  新东方四六级名师曹倩、尹延、余浩视频点评本次考试 新东方四六级名师曹倩、尹延、余浩视频点评本次考试

  四级备考攻略:作文范文模板大全 做模拟试题 高频词汇记忆 历年真题
  六级备考攻略:作文范文模板大全 做模拟试题 高频词汇记忆 历年真题 

  Who won the golf tournament?
  Well, as a matter of fact, I did.
  Actually, ... /To be honest, ... /To be frank, ... /Frankly speaking, ... /Truthfully, ... /In all actuality, ... 实际上…,老实说…
  Don't tell anyone. --I won't. 我不会的。
  Keep it under your hat. 请保密 *惯用法
  I have a confession. *坦白
  I have something to confess.
  I need to tell you something.
  I have a confession to make.
  I have a secret.
  I'm keeping a secret.
  So, what happened to my father?
  I'll fill you in. 我把一切告诉你
  I'll tell you all about it.
  I'll explain everything.
  I'll tell you all the details.
  Quit lying to me! 不要对我说谎话
  All right. I'll level with you. 好,我直说吧
  I'll tell you frankly.
  I'll be frank with you.
  I'll be open and sincere with you.
  I'll tell you the truth.
  What else do you know?
  That is about all I know.
  I don't know anything else about it.
  That's all I know.
  This is just between you and me.
  What is it? 什么事呀?
  Let's keep our talk between us.
  Let's keep this our little secret.
  It's a secret.
  Let me tell you a secret.
  He can't keep a secret.
  You've got a big mouth!
  I don't have the guts to say that to my boss. *guts表示“勇气”
  A little bird told me that today is your birthday. *听小道消息说、听说
  Wait. Who told you? 喂!谁告诉你的?
  I heard it through the grapevine. *grapevine原为“葡萄藤,此表示谣言,传闻
  I just overheard it.
  I didn't say anything.
  I kept my mouth shut.
  I didn't let the cat out of the bag. *表示“没有泄露秘密”的固定说法。
  It was a slip of the tongue.无意中说漏了嘴
  Really? Didn't she know about it?
  I spilled the beans. 我泄露了秘密。
  I stuck my foot in my mouth.
  I won't say a word.
  Mum's the word. 我什么都不说
  I won't say anything.
  My lips are sealed. 我的嘴很紧。



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