
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


accord n.一致,符合;(尤指 国与国之间的)谅解, 协议
accord vi.(~ with)相符合, 相一致,相和谐 vt.授予,赠与,给予
Israel and Palestine have not yet ;以色列与巴勒斯坦至今仍未
been in accord on the problem of Jerusalem's ascription. ;能就耶路撒冷的归属问题达成一致.

accordance n.一致,和谐,符合
The skill of commercial negotiations ;商务谈判的技巧
is not always in accordance with textbooks. ;不总是和书上教的一样.

combat n.战斗,斗争,格斗 v.(与…)斗争, (与…)战斗
The ships combatted with the wind and waves. ;船与风浪博斗.

combine v.结合,联合,化合 n.联合企业(或团体); 联合收割机
Wuhan University and 3 other colleges combined to make a new university, ;武汉大学和另外3间大学合并成一间新的学校,
which has become the most famous university in Hubei Province. ;成为湖北省首屈一指的名校.

commission n.委员会;佣金,回扣; 授权,委托 vt.委托,委任
Today,insurance salesmen can get cons- iderable commission on their successful sales ;现在,保险推销员从成功销售中获得可观的佣金.
You can commission Bank of China to pay your income taxes- ;你可以授权中国银行代交所得税,
that's very convenient. ;那很方便.

commitment n.承诺,许诺,保证; 信奉,献身;承担的义务
Many people don't want to get married because they are afraid of commitments. ;许多人不愿结婚是因为他们害怕承担责任.

communicate vt.传达,传播;传染 vi.交流,交际,通讯; 连接,相通
Bees communicate newly found flowers with nectar by means of dance and smell. ;当蜜蜂发现带花蜜的花时它们用飞舞和散发气味的方式进行信息传递.

delete vt.删除
For most people,their first loves can't be easily deleted from their memory. ;对大多数人来说,初恋总是不能轻易地从记忆中抹去.

deliberate a.故意的,蓄意的; 慎重的,深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑,思考
I won't forgive you because of your deliberate lies. ;我不会原谅你, 因为你存心说谎.
He deliberated the question before he made an answer. ;在答复前他仔细地考虑了这个问题.
The U.S. Supreme Court deliberated on whether the ballots of Florida should be re-counted. ;美国最高法院研究是否重新统计佛罗里达州的 选票.

delicate a.易碎的,脆弱的; 微妙的,棘手的;娇柔的 纤细的;精美的
The delicate orchid should be protected from cold,wind and frost. ;娇弱的兰花应被妥善照顾以防风霜的侵袭.
In the international community,the relationships between countries are delicate ;在国际社会中,国与国之间的关系是微妙的.

elaborate a.精心制作的;详尽的; 复杂的 v.详述;详细制订
I don't want elaborate lace patterns on my dress;just make it simple. ;我不想裙子上有复杂精美的花边图案,简简单单就行.
Just tell me the plain facts.No need to elaborate. ;告诉我简单的事实就行, 不要详细说明.

elegant a.优美的,文雅的, 讲究的;简练的, 简洁的
Princess Diana's elegant manners are always within the memory of people. ;戴安娜王妃优雅的举止总是留在人们的记忆中.

eliminate vt.排除,消除,根除; 淘汰
You really believe that getting drunk can eliminate pain? ;你真的认为醉酒能消除痛苦吗?
We all hoped that China could eliminate the rivals to host the 2008 Olympic Games. ;我们都曾希望中国能淘汰其他对手,主办2008年的奥运会.

embarrass vt.使窘,使尴尬, 使不好意思
He was embarrassed ;觉得很尴尬
when he found he didn't have enough money to invite his girl friend to dinner. ;当他发现自己不够钱请女友吃晚饭时.

fault n.缺点,毛病;错误, 过失.过错,故障 vt.找…的缺点, 挑剔,指责
"It's All the Moon's Fault" is a quite popular song familiar to young people. ;《月亮惹的祸》是年轻人很熟悉的一首流行歌.
It's hard to find fault with Yoyo Ma's cello performance. ;马友友的大提琴表演是难以挑剔的.

instruct vt.命令,指示; 教育,教导
Effective communication is very important ;有效沟通是十分重要的
when a boss instructs people under his leadership to do what he wants them to do. ;当上司指令下属去做他们做的事情时.

instruction n. 常[p指令,指示, 用法说明;教育,指导
Many primary schools today have courses for their pupils ;如今很多小学有课程让小学生
to receive instructions in the basic use of computers. ;学到电脑使用的基本知识.
Read the instructions carefully before taking the medicine. ;服药前要仔细阅读说明.

investigate v.调查,调查研究
Sherlock Holmes investigated many cases ;福尔摩斯调查过多宗案件
by following the footprints left at the scene of the crime. ;是根据犯罪现场留下的脚印.

manage vt.管理,经营,处理; 设法,对付;控制,操纵 vi.处理,设法对付
A good housewife should be able to manage money very well. ;好的家庭主妇应善于理财
This hacker designed a computer virus that was hard to manage. ;这个电脑黑客设计了一种难以对付的病毒.

magnificent a.壮丽的,雄伟的; 豪华的,华丽的;极好的
The magnificent scene of the waterfull is perfect delight to the eye. ;瀑布的宏伟景象真是好看极了.

odd a.奇特的;临时的;单的 奇数的,单数的;剩余的 n. 可能性,机会
Scientists are trying to crack the odd signs in the great pyramid. ;科学家们尝试破译大金字塔内的奇特符号.
The odds are 10 to 1 that Ang Lee's movies would be a box office success. ;李安的电影十之入九有好的票房收入.

penetrate v.透入,渗入,进入; 刺入,刺穿;洞察,了解
The arrow penetrated through the target just in the centre. ;箭射穿了靶子的中心.
The insistent rhythm of piano penetrated the house. ;钢琴持续的韵律在房子里回荡.

pension n.养老金,抚恤金 vt.发给…养老金 (或退职金,抚恤金等)
In the days of inflation ;在通货膨胀的日子里,
people on retirement pensions find it difficult to live. ;靠退休金生活的人发现很难过活.

perfect a.完美的,完满的; 完全的,十足的; (动词)完成时的 vt.使完美,改善
This wonderful scenery of Hawaii is perfect for daydreaming. ;夏威夷绝佳的风景很能给人以无尽的遐想.

recover vi.恢复,痊愈 vt.寻回,重新得到;使复 原,使康复;挽回,弥补
Bone marrow transplants ;做骨髓移植
are the most effective way for the leukaemia patients to recover. ;对于白血病人得以痊愈是最有效的方法.
Sometimes things lost can't be recovered again. ;有些东西失去了就再也找不回来了.

recreation n.娱乐活动,消遣
Many young people's favorite form of recreation is to go to karaoke. ;唱卡拉OK是许多年轻人喜欢的娱乐活动.

scandal n.丑事,丑闻; 流言蜚语;反感,愤慨
Clinton's scandal with Luwinsky caused Americans to doubt his honesty. ;克林顿与莱温斯基的丑闻引起美国人民对他的诚实表示怀疑.

segment n.部分,断片; (桔子等的)瓣
Community college ;社区大学
is the most rapidly growing segment of higher education in the United States. ;是美国高等教育方面发展最迅速的部分.

sequence n.连续,接续,一连串; 次序,顺序
New employees had to attend a sequence of orientation meetings. ;新职员得参加一系列的情况介绍会议.

settle vt.解决,调停;安排, 安放;支付,结算;使安定 vi.安家,定居;(鸟等) 飞落,停留;安定
Please settle your account immediately, or we would have to take some legal action ;请立即结清你所欠的账, 否则我们得采取法律行动
Some people like to travel around the world ;有些人喜欢在年轻的时候环游世界,
rather than settling down when they are young. ;而不喜欢过安定的生活.

shame n.羞耻,耻辱;可耻的人 或事物;遗憾的事,可惜 vt.使蒙羞,使丢脸; 使感到惭愧
It is a shame to be so wasteful. ;这样浪费太可耻了.
Will students feel great shame at having failed the final exam? ;学生们会为期末考试不及格而感到羞耻吗?

theme n.主题,题目
Boys are the usual theme in girls' conversations. ;男孩总是女孩闲聊的主题.

undertake vt.承担,着手做 vi.同意,答应,保证
Who should undertake the responsibility for white pollution? ;谁该为白色污染负责?
The producer or the consumer? ;是生产者还是消费者?



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