
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


allowance n.津贴,补贴,零用钱
IBM offers a high traveling allowance to its employees. ;美国国际商用机器公司给员工比较高的出差津贴.

alternative a.两者择一的,供选择 的;另类的 他择性的 n.取舍,供选择的东西; 选择的自由,选择的余地
I didn't have enough money for travelling to Xinjiang, ;不够钱去新疆旅游,
so I had no alternative but to stay at home this vacation. ;所以这个假期我只能呆在家里.
Have you got an alternative suggestion? ;你有没有其也的建议可供选择?

brilliant a.光辉的,灿烂的; 卓越的,杰出
Many impressionistic painters' inspiration stems from the brilliant sunshine. ;许多印象派画家的灵感来源于明媚的阳光.
Freud was a brilliant psychologist. ;弗洛伊德是位杰出的心理学家.

consideration n.考虑,考虑的事; 体贴,关心
Because of higher social pressure, ;由于社会压力越来越大,
people give more consideration to mental health. ;人们越来越重视精神健康.

compose vt.组成,构成; 创作(歌曲、诗歌等); 使平静
Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. (Hydrogen and oxygen compose water.) ;水是由氢和氧组成.
The famous waltz The Blue Danube ;著名的华尔兹舞曲 “蓝色多瑙河”
was composed by the German composer-- Johann Strauss Junior. ;是由德国作曲家小约翰.施特劳斯创作的.

consist vi.(~ of)组成,构成; (~ in)在于,存在于
The American Congress consists of the House of Representatives and Senate. ;美国国会由众议院与参议院构成.
The basic theory in traditional Chinese medical science ;传统中医学的理论
consists in balancing Yin and Yang. ;在于人体阴阳的平衡.

constitute vt.组成,构成,形成; 设立,建立,任命
Correct grammar and sentence structure do not in themselves cons -titute good writing. ;正确的语法和句子结构本身并不能构成好文章.

constitution n.宪法,章程;体质, 素质;组成,设立
According to the American Constitution, ;根据美国宪法,
the presidential elections are held every four years. ;总统大选每四年进行 一次.
You never exercise.How can you expect to have a strong constitution? ;你从不锻炼,怎么可能有强壮的体格?

direct a.直接的,径直的; ad.直接地,径直地 vt.把…对准,针对; 管理,指导;给…指路
United Airlines has direct flights from Hong Kong to India. ;联合航空公司有从香港直飞印度的航班.
"Excuse me,could you please direct me to the station?" ;“打搅了,你能不能告诉我去火车站怎么走?”

disaster n.灾难,大祸; 长度的失败
The Black Death in the 14th century was a big disaster for the Europeans. ;14世纪的黑死病对于欧洲人来说是一场大灾难.

estimate n.估计,估量; 评价,看法 vt.估计,估量
We can measure the value of material goods in terms of money, ;我们可以用金钱来衡量物质产品的价值,
but the true value of the services is services is difficult to estimate. ;但是服务的真正价值是很难估计的.

evaluate vt.评估,评价
How do your friends evaluate you and how would you evaluate yourself? ;你的朋友如何评价你、你又将怎样评价自己呢?

finance n.财政,金融;[常p 财源,资金,财务状况 vt.为…提供资金, 为…筹措资金
Finances can consist of a combination of stocks,bonds,and properties. ;资金可以是股票、债券和财产的结合.
The Chinese government is actively financing the development of the Northwest. ;中国政府正为西部大开发积极筹集资金.

former a.以前的,在前的, 旧时的 n. (the ~)前者
Do you keep in touch with your former classmates? ;你和以前的同学有联系吗?
Between music and sports I much prefer the former. ;在音乐和体育运动中他更喜欢前者.

glow n.光亮,光辉;脸红;激情 vi.灼热,发光;(脸)红; (感情等)洋溢
The glow of the setting sun is splendid; ;夕阳无限好,
it is a pity that the dusk is fast approaching. ;只是近黄昏.
The maple leaves of the Xiang Shan Mountain glowed red in the sunlight. ;香山红叶在阳光中闪耀着红光.

honor vt.给…以荣誉;向…示 敬意,尊敬 n.光荣, 荣誉;名誉 优异 成绩,大学荣誉学位课程
Xiong Ni has won honor for China in the Olympic Games several times. ;熊倪多次在奥运会上为祖国争光.
Will you honor me with a visit? ;如蒙光临,荣幸之至.

honorable a.光荣的,荣誉的; 可敬的,高尚的
It is honorable to earn a living with your hands. ;靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的.

inherit vt.继承
If you could just have one choice, ;如果你只能从父母那儿选择一样东西来继承,
which one would you choose to inherit from your parents: money or wisdom? ;你会选金钱还是智慧?

initial a.开始的,最初的 n. [常p (姓名等的)首字母
We have to admit that man's research into space is still in the initial stage. ;我们不得不承认人类对宇宙的研究仍然处于初始阶段.
If your family name is Chen, ;如果你姓陈,
you had better not choose an English name beginning with the letter W ;你最好不要选一个以字母W开头的英文名
(for example,Winnie), otherwise your initials will be:W.C.! ;(例如Winnie),否则你的姓名首字母就是: W.C(厕所)了!

line n.线条,界线;方针; 路线;线路;线;排,行 vt.使排成一行;用线标 出,划线于vi.排队,
This price is already at our bottom line,and we can't concede any more. ;这个价钱已经是我们的底线,我们不能再让步了
A sea of people ;成千上万的人
lined in the streets to see the super stars attending the Emmy Ceremony. ;站在街道两边为睹参加艾美奖(美国电视艺术最高荣誉奖)颁奖典礼的巨星风采.

match n.比赛,竞赛;对手,敌手 匹配,相配的人;火柴 vt.和…相配,和…相称 vi.相配,相适合
The prince and princess in the fairy tales are always perfectly matched. ;童话中的王子与公主永远都是天造地设的一对.

operation n.操作,运转,经营; 手术;(军事)行动, 活动;运算
The new Marriage Laws have already been in operation. ;新《婚姻法》已经生效.

option n. [ 选择;选择权, 选择自由;[(供) 选择的事物(或人); 选课
You have the option of going to graduate scho -ol or starting your professional career. ;你有读研究生或开始职业生涯的两种选择,
Which one will you choose? ;你会选择哪一种?
You have an option to take it or leave it ;取舍随你的便.

plug n.插头,插座;塞子,栓 vt.把…塞住,用...塞住
You haven't plugged the washing machine in.How do you expect it to work? ;你连洗衣机的电源都没接通,它怎么会动作呢?

position n.位置,方位;地位, 职务;姿势;见解,立场 vt.安放,放置,安置
I am not in a position to lend you money because I myself also have run out of it. ;我没能力借钱给你, 因为我自己也花光了.
What position do you play in football? ;你踢球踢什么位置?

prospect n.前景,前途, (成功等的)可能性; 景象,景色;有希望的 候选人
What do you think about the prospect of cyber economy? ;你对网络经济有何看法?

reproduce v.复制,再现; 繁殖,生殖
Do you know that crocodiles reproduce by laying eggs? ;你知道鳄鱼是产卵繁殖后代吗?
Photos can be reproduced without negatives now. ;现在相片没有底片也可以复制.

reputation n.名气,名声,声誉
Some people regard good reputation more important than life. ;有的人把好名声看得比性命还重要.

smash vt.粉碎,打烂;狠打, 猛击;使破灭,使失败 vi.破裂,粉碎;猛撞,猛冲 n.破碎(声);
If you smash an egg on a stone,the egg will definitely smash. ;用鸡蛋去撞石头, 鸡蛋肯定会撞个粉碎.
The Beatles had many smash hits in the 1960s. ;甲壳虫乐队在20世纪60年代有很多轰动的演出.

solemn a.严肃的,庄严的, 隆重的
Every day in the Tian anmen Square the hoist of our national flag is a solemn ceremony. ;每天在天安门广场升国旗是个庄严的仪式.

total a.总的,全部的;完全的, 彻底的 n.总数,总计 vi.合计,总数达 vt.计算……的总和
The UN Security Council ;联合国安理会
has a total of five countries as the permanent members. ;总共有5个常任理事国.

unexpected a.想不到的,意外的
Many unexpected things can happen in one's life. ;人的一生当中会发生很多意想不到的事.

expectation n.期待,预期; [常p前程,成功的 前景
Many things in our life are beyond our expectation. ;我们生活中很多事情都是意想不到的.
There is no expectation of rain today. ;今天预计不会下雨.
Have you ever read the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens? ;你看过查尔斯.狄更斯的小说《远大前程》吗?

weakness n.虚弱,衰弱,软弱; 弱点,缺点;偏好,嗜好
We all have our weaknesses. ;我们大家都有不足之处.
Women have the weakness of going shopping. ;女士都有爱逛街的嗜好.



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