
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


attach vt.系,贴,连接; 使依恋,使喜爱; 认为有(重要性,责任等) 使附属
Attached is a list of our prices. ;随函附上我方的报价.
I am very attached to Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper. ;我很喜欢达芬奇的《最后的晚餐》.

attribute vt.把……归因于,把(过 错、责任、成功等)归于 n.属性,特性
Many people's success can be attributed to hard work and a bit of luck. ;很多人的成功都可以归于勤奋加上一点儿运气.
Stubbornness is considered an attribute of mules. ;顽固被认为是骡的特性.

concept n.概念,观念,思想
What is the major concept of the story? ;这个故事的主要思想是什么?
New Concept English has been popular in China for more than twenty years. ;《新概念英语》在中国流行了20多年.

cruise vi.航游,巡航;(出租 车,船等)缓慢巡行 n.航游,游弋
Quite a few taxis are cruising for fares near the cinema. ;不少计程车在电影院附近转悠着等着拉客.
Many girls have no idea what a cruise missile is. ;许多女孩都不知道巡航 导弹是何物.

crush vt.压碎,碾碎; 弄皱;压垮
Wine is made by crushing grapes. ;葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制成的.
Time will crush all pains. ;时间会粉碎所有的痛苦.

demonstrate vt.论证,证明;说明, 演示;显示,表露 vi.举行示威游行 (或集会)
Please demonstrate how to use this microwave cooker. ;请示范说明一下如何使用这个微波炉.

drag vt.拖,拉;迫使,硬拉 vi.拖着脚步走,在地上 拖着行进;慢吞吞地行进 拖延n.累赘,障碍;一吸,
The poor old horse dragged a heavy load. ;可怜的老马拉着重载.
The time dragged as we waited. ;我们等待着,时间慢慢地过去了.

drain vt.排走,排去…的水; 渐渐耗尽 vi.慢慢流掉, 减少 n.耗竭,消耗; 排水沟,排水管
The rainwater drained away slowly because the drain was blocked. ;雨水排得很慢,因为排水沟给堵住了.

dramatic a.引人注目的,突然;戏 剧性的,戏剧的,剧本的 n.(~s)戏剧表演, 演剧活动,
A dramatic scene happened in the wedding ceremony: ;一个富于戏剧性的场面发生在婚礼上:
the bride said sorry to the groom and ran away. ;新娘对新郎说了声抱歉就跑掉了.

exclusive a.奢华的,高级的;独有的 排斥的;不包括…的, 不把…计算在内的 n.独家新闻
Hair is exclusive to mammals. ;毛发是哺乳动物独有的.
Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost. ;有的记者愿意不惜一切地获取独家新闻.

excursion n.运足,短途旅行
Let's go on a day's excursion to the mountain. ;我们到山上游玩一天吧.

formal a.正式的,正规的, 合乎礼仪的;形式上的, 表面的
The formal dress isn't suitable for the daily wear. ;礼服不适合日常穿着.
Business letters are usually formal, ;商业信件通常都是讲究格式的,
but we write in an informal way to family members or friends. ;但我们给家人或朋友写信就比较随便了.

format n.设计,安排;格式, 样式,版式; vt.使格式化
Many literary classics are now reissued in a new format. ;许多文学名著现在以新的版式再版.
You'd better format the floppy disc before you use it. ;使用软盘之前最好先格式化.

intensity n.强烈,剧烈;强度
Noise intensity around the airport is much higher than elsewhere. ;飞机场附近的口音强度要比其他地方大得多.

indicate vt.标示,指示,指出; 表明,示意
A research indicates that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals. ;一项研究表明恐龙是热血动物.
What does a red sky at night indicate?Fine weather or bad weather the following day? ;晚上天边发红预示着什么?第二天天气好还是坏?

interest n.兴趣,关注,爱好; 利息,利率;[常p 利益,好处,厉害关系 vt.使感兴趣,引起…关注
Many people don't like to deposit money in banks because of the low interest rate. ;因为利率太低,许多人都不愿把钱存进银行.
You can't make good friends with your colleagues, ;你不可能跟同事成为好朋友,
because you will have conflicts of interest with them sooner or later. ;因为跟他们迟早有利益冲突.
I am exhausted now,so nothing can interest me except sleeping. ;现在我累极了,除了睡觉什么都引不起我的兴趣.

major a.较大的,主要的 n.专业,专业学生;少校 vi.(~ in)主修,专攻
Cotton is the major agricultural product from the Nile Valley. ;棉花是尼罗河谷的主要农产品.
What's your major at the university? ;你在大学学什么专业?

minor a.较小的,较少的;次要的 n. 副修科目;未成年人 vi.(~in)(大学中)副修
The actresses are always given a minor part in the famous movie James Bond. ;名片《007》中的女演员总是扮演次要的角色.
Many university students will minor in some practical courses ;许多大学生都会副修一些实用性的课程
in order to get a good job. ;为了能找份好工作.

minority n.少数,少数派; 少数民族
Only a minority of American households do not have a car. ;美国只有少数家庭没有汽车.

mislead vt.给…错误印象, 使误解;把…带错路; 把…带坏,使误入岐途
Juveniles lacking social experience ;缺少社会经验的青少年
are likely to be misled by strange people's appearance. ;容易为陌生人的外表所迷惑.

presentation n.提供,显示;外观, (显示的)图像;授予, 赠送(仪式);陈述, 报告,介绍;表演
I hate to do presentations ;我很讨厌做报告,
because I get extremely nervous when I speak in public. ;因为一当众讲话我就会十分紧张.

preserve vt.保护,维持; 保存,保藏;腌制
It's not that easy to preserve places of historic interest. ;保护古迹并不那么容易,
It takes money and technique. ;需要金钱和技术.
Salt preserves food from decay,but I don't like preserved food. ;盐防止食物腐烂,但我不喜欢腌制食品.

press ;n.报刊,新闻界;出版社; 印刷机;压,按,挤 v.压,按,挤;压榨,压迫; 催促
In the press conference, ;在新闻发布会上,
the spokesman of the White House always avoided directly answering questions. ;白宫发言人总是避免直接回答问题.
Time presses.Let's press on with our work. ;时间紧迫, 我们加紧工作吧.

prevail vi.流行,盛行;获胜, 占优势; (~on,~upon)说服, 劝说,诱使
It seems that the jeans will prevail forever. ;牛仔裤似乎永远流行.
At last justice has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished. ;正义最终取得了胜利, 作恶的人受到了惩罚.

presumably ad.大概,可能,据推测
He should have arrived Presumably,the bad weather delayed the flight. ;他早该到了,大概恶劣的天气使飞机误点了.

prominent a.突出的,杰出 的; 突起的,凸出的
Present at the Asian Forum in Bo Ao ;出席博鳌亚洲论坛的
were prominent nongovernmental political figures and economists from Asia. ;都是来自亚洲的非政府 的杰出政治人物和经济学家.
Cindy Crawford's beauty spot is her most prominent feature ;世界名模辛迪.克劳馥脸上最显著的特点是她的那 颗美人痣.

reluctant a.不情愿的,勉强的
In the winter I am reluctant to get out of bed every morning. ;冬天的时候我每天早晨都不愿起床.

represent vt.作为…的代表;表示 象征;描绘,表现
The system of representing letters and figures by raised dots is called Braille ;用突起的圆点代表字母和数字系统叫盲人点字法.

resort vi.(~to)求助,诉诸 n.求助(或凭借)的对象 采用的手段(或方法) 常去之地,胜地
Merely resorting to force can't resolve the conflicts in the Middle East. ;单靠诉诸武力解决不了中东的争端.
Chengde is a famous summer resort. ;承德是著名的避暑胜地,
The Emperors in the Qing Dynasty especially liked to go there. ;清朝的皇帝就特别喜欢去那儿.

resource n.[p资源,财力; 应付方法,谋略
The Department of Human Resources is an important department in many big companies. ;人力资源部是许多大公司的一个重要的部门.
Zhu Geliang was a man of great resource. ;诸葛亮是个足智多谋的人.

restore vt.恢复,使回复;修复, 整修;归还,交还
It's hard to restore a broken mirror. ;破镜难圆.
I feel quite restored after my holiday. ;休假后我感到恢复了健康.

start vt.开始,发动;创办 vi.开始,着手,动身, 出发;吃惊,惊起 n.开端,起点;吃惊,惊起
"I can't start the car!""You are stepping on the brake pedal." ;“我发动不了汽车!”“你踩着刹车踏板了.”
Knowledge starts with practice. ;“认识从实践开始.”

state n.状态,情况;国家, 政府;州 vt.陈述,说明
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happy life. ;健康的心态是幸福生活的源泉.
Please state your name age,and occupation in a few words. ;请用简短的话陈述一下你的姓名、年龄和职业.



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