
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


academic a.学校的,学院的; 学术的;纯理论的
A business-management major with a remarkable academic record, ;工商管理专业且学习成绩优异,
he easily got a well-paid and promising job in a big firm. ;他轻而易举地在一家 大公司找到高薪而有前途的工作.

coach n.教练,指导;长途公共 汽车;(铁路)旅客车厢 vt.训练,指导,辅导
Many NBA basketball players coach after successful playing careers. ;许多NBA篮球球员在成功的运动生涯后当了教练.

conclude vt.推断出,推论出; 结束;缔结,议定 vi.结束,了解
A tragedy always concludes with the hero's or the heroine's death. ;悲剧总是随男主人公或女主人公的死亡而告终.

crack v.(使)破裂, (使)裂开;(使) 发出爆裂声,打,击 n.裂缝;破裂声
In cold weather, boiling water can crack the glass. ;在寒冷的天气,沸腾的开水会把玻璃杯烫裂.
The "21st Century Cup" English Speech Contest sponsored by China Daily ;《中国日报》主办的“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛

delivery n.投递,送交;发表, 宣布,讲;给产妇接生
was divided into two parts: ;分为两部分:
the delivery of a prepared speech and the question-and- answer section. ;一部分是做有准备的讲演一部分是回答问题.

dissolve v.(使)溶解, (使)融化;消失, 减弱;解散
Make a glass of black tea,put in two cubes of sugar, ;泡一杯红茶,放进两块方糖,
keep stirring the tea until the sugar dissolves, ;不断搅拌茶,直到糖融化
add a piece of lemon and some ice cubes, ;加上一片柠檬和一些冰块,
and you get a glass of pleasantly sweet ice tea! ;一杯甘甜的冰茶就做成了!

electronic a.电子的 n.(~s)电子学; 电子设备
Most electronic components use silicon chips these days. ;现在多数电子元件都用到硅片.
I majored in electronics and I want to be an electronic engineer. ;我是学电子学专业的, 想成为一名电子工程师.

entertain vt.招待,款待; 给…娱乐 vi.招待,请客
We hired a magician to entertain the children at the party. ;我们雇了一个魔术师在派对上逗孩子们开心.

financial a.金融的,财政的
Southeast Asia's financial crisis has taught people a profound lesson. ;东南亚的金融危机带给人们深刻的教训.

frequency n.次数,频率; 经常发生,频繁
Parkinson's disease occurs with increasing frequency in older people. ;帕金森氏病在老人身上更为频发.

gravity n.重力,地心引力; 严重
Enormous energy is needed to launch a spacecraft against gravity. ;发射飞船需要巨大的能量来摆脱地心引力.

halt v.(使)停止,(使)停住 n.停止,停住,暂停
No one can halt the advance of history. ;谁也阻挡不了历史的前进.

immigrant n.移民,侨民
New York has a huge number of immigrants. ;纽约有数目巨大的移民.

insult vt.侮辱,辱骂 n.侮辱,凌辱
To call a person an idiot is an insult. ;称一个人为白痴是一种侮辱.
(You insult a person by calling him an idiot.) ;称一个人为白痴是一种侮辱.

marine a.海洋的,海生的, 海产的;海军的;海事的 n.海军陆战队士兵
The oil slick in the Persian Gulf seriously threatened the marine life around the sea. ;波斯湾的油泄漏严重威胁了附近海域的海洋生物.

mysterious a.神秘的,难以理解的; 诡秘的
American actress Marilyn Monroe has been dead for a long time. ;美国女演员玛丽莲. 梦露已死去多年,
The cause of her death is still mysterious even to historians. ;但她的死因即使对史学家也仍是个谜团.

outset n.开始,开端
At the outset of his career,he was full of ambition but not anymore. ;在事业刚开始时, 他踌躇满志,但是现在却变了.

positive a.确实的,明确的; 积极的,肯定的; 正的,阳极的
A kind teacher ;和善的老师
always takes a very positive attitude when correcting students' mistakes. ;在纠正学生错误时总是采取多肯定成绩的态度.

protection n.保卫,防护
Our medical insurance offers protection for the whole family in the event of illness. ;我们的医疗保险可为生病的任何家庭成员提供保障.

realm n.界,领域,范围; 王国,国度
The light music led us into a realm of peace and pleasure. ;轻音乐带领我们进入一个安宁愉悦的一国.

register v.登记,注册; 把(邮件)挂号 n.登记,注册; 登记表,注册簿
Foreign visitors must register with the state officials upon entering the country. ;外国旅客一入国境就必须向国家官员办理登记.

rouse vt.惊起,唤醒,唤起
An English teacher should try all means ;一个英语老师应当千方百计
to rouse students' interests in English learning. ;唤起学生对英语学习的兴趣.

scenery n.风景,景色; 舞台布景
Last summer holiday, I went to Qing Hai ;去年暑期,我去了青海,
and was amazed at the beautiful scenery of the mountains and lakes. ;并为它山川湖泊所呈现的美景而惊讶.

senior a.资格较老的,地位较 高的;n.年长的较年长 者(中学或大学的)高 年级学生
There are a few seats on buses reserved for senior citizens and the pregnant. ;公共汽车上设有一些老人和孕妇的专座.

spill v.(使)溢出, (使)洒落 n.溢出
It's no use crying over spilt milk! ;牛奶洒了,哭也没用!(喻:不已经发生而无法补救的事懊悔是没用的)
The same thing said in a different tone will convey a different message. ;同样的话用不同的语调说出来会表达不同的信息.

tone n.音调,腔调,语气, 风格;色调

ultimate a.根本的,最终的; 极端的 n.顶点,终极
The anti-Japanese war ended for us in an ultimate victory. ;抗日战争以我们的最后胜利而告终.

vanish vi.突然不见,消失; 不复存在,绝迹
Wonderful dreams may come true or may vanish into thin air. ;美梦也许会成真, 也许会成为泡影.

withstand vt.经受,承受,抵住
Shakespeare's works undoubtedly withstands the rest of time. ;莎士比亚的作品无疑承受住了时间的考验.



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