
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


accompany vt.陪伴,伴同;伴随, 和…一起发生; 为…伴奏
It's getting dark.Will you accompany me home? ;天黑了,你能陪我一起回家吗?

bloom n.花;开花(期); 青春焕发的时期
Chinese plum flowers bloom in cold winters. ;梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开.

cooperate vi.合作,配合,协作
Johnson told O'Neal and Bryant ;约翰逊告诉奥尼尔和布莱恩特,
that if all the players of the Laker team can cooperate unselfishly, ;如果湖人队全队能无私配合,
they'll be unmatched in the world. ;他们就会无敌于天下.

correspond vi.相符合,相一致; 相类似,相当;通信
The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. ;美国国会相当于英国议会.

corresponding a.相应的,相当的; 符合的,一致的
All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities. ;所有的权利都带有相应的义务.

departure n.离开,出发; 背离,违反
The railway station has always been a fascinating place, ;火车站是个奇妙的地方,
representing departure as well as arrival. ;代表离别,也代表归来.

desirable a.值得期望的, 值得拥有的; 可取的,有利的
It is not easy to get a desirable job that corresponds with interests. ;要找到一份与志趣相符的合意的工作是不容易的.

emphasis n.强调,重点
I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing AIDS as we do on curing it. ;我想我们应当把预防艾滋病放到和治疗艾滋病同等重要的地位.

fierce a.凶猛的,残酷的; 猛烈的,狂热的
The lioness is a better hunter than the male,more fierce and more active. ;母狮是比公狮更好的猎手更凶猛也更活跃.

flourish v. & n.繁盛,繁荣, 繁茂
The crops flourished in the rich soil . ;作物在肥沃的土壤中生长繁茂.
Rock and roll flourished in the 1950s in the West. ;在西方20世纪50年代, 摇滚东盛极一时.

greedy a.贪食的,谗嘴的
You mean you've eaten all there slices of cake? You greedy pig! ;你说你吃光了所有的三片蛋糕?你这个谗嘴的猪!

index n.索引;指数,指标; 标志,表征 vt.为…编索引, 把…编入索引
The word index is an appendix in this book. ;单词索引 是这本书的附录.
All the books in the library are indexed in the computer. ;图书馆里所有的书都编入电脑索引目录中了.

individual a.个别的,单独的, 个人的 n.个人;个体
Each individual student has his own personality, ;每个学生都有自己的个性
so it is difficult for a teacher ;所以对于教师很难
to give individual attention to students in a large class. ;在人数多的班上对每个学生都给予个别照顾.

integrate v.(使)成为一体; (使)合并
Staying in a foreign country, ;身处异国,
you'll find it very difficult to integrate yourself into a society ;你会发现很难把自己融入这个社会
whose culture is so different from your own. ;文化差异如此大.

justice n.正义,公正
Everyone should be treated with justice, ;每个人都应受到公正的对待,
so laws must be based on principles of justice. ;因此法律必须以公正为原则.

moral a.道德的,有道德的 n.道德,品行
A post-modernism novelist ;后现代主义的作家
usually refuses to made any moral judgments in his work. ;通常拒绝在他的作品中做任何道德评判.

orbit n.轨道 v.绕…作轨道运行
The earth orbits the sun every 365.25 days. ;地球每365.25天绕太阳轨道一圈.
Most planetary orbits are not circles but ellipses. ;大多数行星的运转轨道是椭圆形而非圆形.

private a.私人的,个人的; 秘密的,私下的;私营的 n.士兵,列兵
Is there a private corner where we can sit and have a private chat? ;这里有什么僻静的角落, 可以让我们单独坐下来私下谈谈?
Have you ever seen the film Saving Private Ryan? ;你看过电影《拯救大兵瑞恩》吗?

prohibit vt.禁止,不准
The government introduced a law to prohibit tobacco commercials on TV. ;政府采用新法律来禁止电视上播放烟草广告.

ratio n.比,比率
The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water is 2 to 1. ;水中氢和氧的比例是2比1.

recall v.回忆起,回想起; 撤消,撤回
Recall the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today. ;想想过去的苦, 比比今天的甜.

recommend vt.推荐,举荐; 劝告,建议
We went to see The Lion King yesterday and I highly recommend it to you. ;我们昨天看了《狮子王》 我向你大力举荐这部电影

shed vt.脱落,脱去;流出, 发出(光等);摆脱 n.棚屋
To shed crocodile tears means to cry when someone is not really sad or sorry. ;流鳄鱼泪意思是某人在哭泣时并不真的感到悲伤难过(即假慈悲).

shelter n.隐蔽处,躲避处; 住所 v.掩护,庇护;躲避
Don't take shelter from the rain under a tree when there is thunder and lighting, ;有雷电时,不要在树下避雨
otherwise you may be struck by a thunderbolt. ;否则可能会被雷击.

skim v.撇去(浮物);掠过, 擦过;浏览,略读
The Chinese saying "like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water" ;中国人说“蜻蜓点水” (蜻蜓从水面掠过)
means a superficial understanding of a problem. ;意思是表面地理解问题,
Do you know that when a dragonfly skims over the water it is actually laying eggs? ;而你知不知道当蜻蜓掠过水面的时候其实是在产卵呢?

suspicion n.怀疑,涉嫌; 一点,少量
After a crime, suspicion naturally falls on the person who has a motive. ;罪案发生后,有作案动机的人自然受到怀疑.

terminal a.晚期的,不治的;末端 的,终点的n.(海、陆、 空运输路线的)终点(站 (计算机)终端;接线端
Having a strong will to live, ;因为有着强烈的生存意志
some patients in the terminal stage of cancer recover miraculously. ;有些处于癌症晚期的病人奇迹般地康复了.

violence n.暴力,强暴; 猛烈,剧烈
Some new research is being done ;一项新调查正在展开,
about the effects that sex and violence on television might have on viewers. ;是关于电视上性和暴力对观众的影响.

vote v.投票表决,投票选举 n.选票;投票,选举; 表决结果
In the second round of the International Olympic Committee's vote, ;在国际奥委会的第二轮投票中,
Beijing got 56 votes and won. ;北京得到56票而获胜.



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