
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


accordingly ad.照着,相应地; 因此,所以
The weather has changed suddenly, ;天气突然变了,
and accordingly we must put off the football match. ;我们不得不推迟足球比赛.

arrest vt.逮捕,拘留,扣留; 吸引 n.逮捕,拘留
Many juveniles in the United States were arrested and held in reformatory ;在美国,许多少年被逮捕并关进少年管教所
for they shooting on campus. ;因为他们在校园开枪伤人

cable n.缆绳,钢索;电缆 vt.给…发电报, 用电报传送
president Jiang Zemin cabled warm congratula -tions to the Chinese Olympic Athletic Team. ;江泽民主席致电中国奥林匹克代表队表示热烈的祝贺.

complex a.复杂的,难懂的; 由许多部分组成的, 复合的 n.综合体,集合体
The situation in Russia was getting very complex and tense ;俄罗斯的局势正变得复杂且紧张
when Putin came into power. ;当普京上台时.

complicated a.复杂的,难懂的
The new generation of video games is much more complicated than former ones. ;新一代的影碟游戏比以前的更复杂.

contact n.接触,联系,交往; 熟人,社会关系 vt.与…接触; 与…取得联系
Friendly contacts between different people ;各国人民的友好接触
facilitate cultural economic exchange. ;促进文化和经济的交流.
How can I contact you ? ;我怎么与你联系?

distribute vt.分发,分配,分送; 使分布,散布
Distributing leaflets on the street is one kind of advertisements ;在大街上分发传单是广告的一种.
diverse a.不同的;多种多样的
There are diverse dialects in the Chinese language. ;中文有各种不同的方言.

elastic n.橡皮圈,松紧带 a.有弹性的;灵活的
A lot of sports wear is made of very elastic material. ;许多运动服都是用弹性好的材料做的.

export v.出口(物),输出(品) n.出口物,输出物
The export of gold is forbidden. ;黄金出口是禁止的.
China exports to many other countries and regions, ;中国向许多国家和地区出口货物,
and tea is one of the chief exports. ;而茶叶是主要出口物资之一.

flash vi.闪光,闪烁; 飞驰,掠过;闪现 n.闪光,闪光灯
The lightning flashed across the sky. ;闪电掠过天空.

gratitude n.感激,感谢
Take this in token of my gratitude for all your help. ;请接受这个以表我对你的帮助的感激之情.

import vt.进口,输出 n.进口,输入; [常p进口商品, 输入额;意义,重要性
London has imported a powerful perfume from Paris,called Madeleine, ;伦敦已从巴黎进口了一 种名为Madeleine的强力香水,
which will be used to mask the pungent smells of London's Underground. ;这种香水将用于掩盖伦敦地铁站中刺鼻的气味.

infect vt.传染,感染;影响
In India,more than 3.7 million people are infected with AIDS. ;在印度,370 多万人感染了艾滋病.

infer vt.推论,推断
What a reader infers from the writing is sometimes ;有时读者从作品中所推断出的含义
more than what the writer actually implies in it. ;比作者的实际上含义还多.

inference n.结论,推论
From her reply King Solomon drew the inference ;从她的回答,所罗门王判断出
that she was the real mother of the baby. ;她是婴儿的亲生母亲.

miracle n.奇迹, 令人惊奇的人(或事)
Every time a baby is born,the miracle of life is renewed. ;每一次婴儿的诞生就是生命奇迹的重演.

overnight ad.在短时间内,突然
Zhang Ziyi became a star overnight ;章子怡突然成了明星
when she stepped in to play the leading role in a film directed by Zhang Yimou. ;当开始在张艺谋的电影里担任主角时.

principal a.最重要的;主要的 n.负责人,校长; 主要演员;资金,本金
Iraq's principal export is oil. ;伊拉克主要出口石油.

principle n.原则,原理,信条
On the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, ;以和平共处五项原则为基础,
there can be reasonable dialogues between any two governments. ;任何两国政府间都可以进行合理的对话.

refine vt.提炼,精制; 使优美,使完善
Sugar,salt,oil must be refined before use. ;糖、盐、油在使用前须先提炼.
Reading good books helps to refine one's speech. ;阅读好的书籍有助于一个人的言谈文雅.

regulation n.规章,规则; 管理,控制,调节
It is against traffic regulations to overtak -e other vehicles without signaling. ;没有显示信号就超车是违反交通规则的.

scheme n.计划,方案;阴谋 v.密谋,策划
If a foreigner wants to learn Chinese,he'd better know something ;如果一个老外想学好汉语, 他最好先了解一点儿
about the scheme of the Chinese phonetic alphabet first. ;汉语拼音方案.
All schemes and intrigues are doomed to failure. ;一切阴谋诡计都是注定要失败的.

span n.一段时间;跨距;跨度
Over a span of only three years,the Chinese government has basically completed ;在短短三年之内,中国政府基本完成了
the restructuring of large and mediumsized state-owned enterprises. ;国有大中型企业重组.

spark n.火花,火星 v.迸出火花;激发, 引起
A good teacher can spark interest in passive students. ;一个好老师能激发出态度消极的学生的兴趣.

swell vi.肿胀,膨胀,鼓起; 增强,扩大 n.隆起,鼓起; 波浪起伏;增强,增加
My face swelled up because of an inflammation of a wisdom tooth. ;我的脸因一颗智齿发炎而肿了起来.

triumph n.胜利,成功; (成功的)喜悦 vt.获胜,成功
Samuel Johnson ;Samuel Johnson (英国作家)
described marrying for a second time as a triumph of hope over experience. ;把第二次结婚描述为希望对经验的胜利.

verify vt.核实,查对; 证明,证实
Every athlete competing in this year's games ;每个参加今年比赛的运动员
must undergo a physical examination to verify their gender. ;都要接受身体检查以确定其性别.

version n.版本,译本;说法
I am reading an abridged Chinese version of Jane Eyre. ;我正在读《简.爱》的节略版中文译本.

wit n.风趣,妙语 智力,才智
Good wits jump. ;英雄所见略同.



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