
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


annoy vt.使恼怒,使烦恼; 打搅,骚扰,干扰
The mosquitoes annoyed me so much that I couldn't sleep. ;蚊子搅得我无法入睡.

clarify vt.澄清,阐明
The government has time and again clarified its position on equal pay for women ;政府已经反复阐明政府对男女同工同酬的立场.

confidence n.信任;信心,自信
Most Chinese students lack self-confidence when speaking English. ;大多数中国学生在讲英语时缺乏自信心.

criticize vt.批评,批判; 评论,评判
Some Internet literary works were criticized as skin-deep. ;一些网上文学作品被批评为肤浅.

criticism n.批评;评论, 评论文章
The film Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon still met with sharp domestic criticism ;电影《卧虎藏龙》受到尖锐的国内批评
although it had won several international prizes. ;尽管获得了一些国际奖项.

consequence n.结果,后果
If you don't pay your bills you'll have to take the consequences. ;你如果不把账给付了, 就得承担一切后果.

distinguish vt.区分,辨别;看出, 听出;杰出,使扬名
A common person usually can't distinguish ;常人一般不会区分
a genuine antique from a reproduction. ;真古董和赝品.

flock n.羊群, (鸟兽等)一群,一伙人 vi.群集,聚集,成群
Birds of a feather flock together. ;[物以类聚, 人以群分.

fragment n.碎片,碎块 v.(使)成碎片
A kaleidoscope is a tube-shaped optical instrument ;万花筒是一种管状光学仪器,
rotated to produce symmetrical designs ;经旋转产生对称图案,
by means of mirrors reflecting the constantly changing patterns ;经镜子的反射而形成的不断变化的图形
made by fragments of colored glass at one end of the tube. ;这是通过管一端的有色玻璃碎片.

herd n.兽群,牧群 vt.使集中在一起, 把…赶在一起
Dogs are often trained to herd sheep. ;狗常被训练来放羊.

imitate vt.模仿,效仿; 仿制,仿造
Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past. ;一些年轻的流行乐队 试图模仿过去乐坛的 英雄.

motive n.动机,目的
Money is the motive that drives so many people to work so hard. ;许多人这么卖命干活的目的在于他们需要钱.

overtake vt.追过,赶上,超过; 突然降临于,意外地碰上
After only two years in the American market ;进入美国市场仅两年后,
our US sales have now overtaken our sales in Europe. ;我们的美国市场销量已经超过了我们在欧洲的销量

prejudice n.偏见,成见 vt.使有偏见; 对…不利,损害
A judge must be free from prejudice. ;法官不应存有偏见.

prime a.主要的,首要的; 最好的,第一流的 n.壮年,青春;全盛时期 vt.使完成准备工作
Spring is the prime time for planting trees. ;春天是植树的最好时间.

resemble vt.像,类似于
The ancients thought that gold resembled the sun, ;古代人认为黄金与太阳相像
so they represented this chemical element with a solar symbol. ;所以他们用太阳符号来代表这种化学元素.

resolution n.正式决定,决议; 决心;解决,解答; 分辩率,清晰度
The United Nations passed a resolution to increase aid to the Third World. ;联合国通过决议增加对第三世界的国家的援助.

spin vi.旋转;晕眩;纺 (纱)vt.使旋转;绞干, (用洗衣机等)甩干 n.旋转,自转
Let's spin a coin to decide who'll have the first turn. ;让我们抛硬币(猜正反面)来决定谁先开始.

squeeze vt.挤,挤出;压榨,榨取; 捏,握 vi.挤,挤入 n.挤;握;拮据,紧缺, 经济困难
No matter how busy parents are, ;无论父母有多忙,
they should squeeze some time to stay with their children. ;都应该挤出点时间陪陪孩子.

stake n.桩,标桩;利害关系; 股份;赌本,赌注 vt.以…打赌,拿…冒险
Firemen must act quickly because lives are at stake. ;消防员必须行动迅速, 因为生死攸关.

stale a.不新鲜的;陈腐的, 过时的
Running water never gets stale. ;流水不腐.

static a.静的,静态的; 静止的,停滞的 n.静电;(~s)静力学
Civilization does not remain static,but changes constantly. ;文明不是静止的, 而是不断变化的.

surrender vi.投降,屈服;让步 vt.交出,放弃 n.投降,放弃
The enemy troops surrendered themselves to the PLA. ;敌军向中国人民解放军投降.
No surrender to the fascists! ;决不向法西斯分子投降!

suspect vt.对…表示怀疑 (或不信任) n.嫌疑犯,可疑分子 a.可疑的
Lawyers are easily suspected of special pleading. ;律师很容易被人怀疑强词夺理.

suspend vt.暂停;悬,挂,吊 a.可疑的,不可信的
Hao Haidong was suspended from playing football for a year ;郝海东被禁赛一年
after calling the referee names. ;在辱骂裁判后.

vibrate v.(使)震动; (使)摇摆
The whole station seemed to vibrate as the express train rushed through. ;当高速列车疾驰而过时, 整个车站都仿佛在震动.



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