
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论


authority n.权力,管辖权; [p官方,当局; 权威,专家;当权者, 行政管理机构
The police have the authority to arrest lawbreakers. ;警察有权逮捕犯法的人.
The good dictionary is an authority on the meaning of words. ;一本好的字典是词义方面的权威.

avoid vt.避免,预防,避开
Some universities offer courses on sex education to teach college students ;有些大学设置了性教育的课程,教给大学生
how to avoid premature and unsafe sex. ;如何避免过早发生性行为以及怎样避免不安全的性行为.

commerce n.商业,贸易
In consequence of the economic crisis in 1997, ;1997年的经济危机
many southeast Asian countries' commerce paralyzed. ;使许多东南亚国家商贸瘫痪.

commercial a.商业的,商务的; 商品化的,商业性的 n.商业广告
In a commercial society,people often feel lonely and helpless. ;在商品化社会,人们常常感到孤单无助.

communication n.交流,交际,通讯; [p通信(或交通) 工具,交通联系
English remains the most commonly used in international communication, ;在国际交流中英语使用得最为普遍
both in person and via the Internet. ;无论是现实生活中还是在互联网上.

community n.社区,社会,团体, 界;(动植物)群落
To host the Olympic Games,Beijing needs to expand its English- speaking community. ;为承办奥运,北京需要扩大说英语的社会群体.

component n.组成部分,成分; 部件,元件 a.组成的,构成的
Vitamin C is the major component of many fruits and vegetables. ;维生素是很多水果和蔬菜中主要的成分.

concrete a.实在的,具体的 n.混凝土
Have you any concrete suggestions ;你有什么具体的建议
as to how to deal with difficulties of the fast-increasing population ;来应对人口增长过快
and the insufficient food supply? ;和粮食供应紧张的难题吗?

conference n.(正式)会议; 商谈,讨论
The UN Human Right Conference ;联合国人权会议
should be a place where the common problems of mankind are discussed ;是一个讨论人类共同面临的问题
and the cause of human rights is advanced. ;促进人权事业发展的场所.

conscious a.意识到的,自觉的; 神智清醒的;有意的, 存心的
The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered. ;病人在施以局部麻醉之后仍能保持完全清醒.

correspondence n.信件,函件;通信, 联系;相似处
The book was compiled from the correspondenc -e between Xu Zhimo and Lu Xiaoman. ;这本书是由徐志摩和陆小曼的通信汇编而成的.
Quite often the outcome has little correspondence with/to the expectation. ;很多时候结果与所期望的并不相符.

dump vt.倾卸,倾倒;倾销, 抛售 n.垃圾场
At the UN General Assembly,some representatives from African countries ;一些非洲国家代表在联合国大会上
accused the West of dumping out-of-date machines on Third World countries. ;控诉西方向第三世界倾销淘汰的机械.

dynamic .有活力的,强有力的; 动力的,动态的 n.(原)动力; (~s)动力学
If you are young, attractive and dynamic, ;如果你年轻、动人、并且活力四射
you don't need to worry about finding a date. ;不必担心找不到人约会.

exert vt.运用,发挥,施加; 用(力),
For college students, ;对大学生来说,
to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life. ;打工对其个性培养和今后生活都具有深远影响.

forecast vt. & n.预测,预报
Environmentalists forecast that we will destroy our planet ;环境学家预测,我们就会毁掉我们的星球
if we go on polluting it as we are today. ;如果我们继续像现在一样污染.

grand a.宏伟的,壮丽的; 重大的,重要的; 派头大的;极好的
We had a grand view of the sea of clouds when we climbed to the top of the Yellow Mountain ;我们爬上黄山之巅时, 看到了云海的壮观景象.

helpful a.有益的;肯帮忙的
Criticism from friends is more helpful than flattery. ;朋友的批评意见比恭维奉承更有益.
"You've been very helpful." ;“你帮了很大的忙.”
"Friends should always be helpful to one another." ;“朋友间总是应该互相帮助的.”

mutual a.相互,彼此的; 共同的,共有的
China's Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence include: ;中国和平共处五项原则包括:
mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty,mutual non-aggression, ;互相尊重领土和主权完整,互不侵犯,
non-interference in each other's internal affairs, ;互不干涉内政,
equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. ;平等互利, 和平共处.

occasion n.时刻,场合; 重大活动,盛会;时机 vt.引起,惹起
A wedding is a very happy occasion. ;婚礼是个非常高兴的盛会.

occasional a.偶尔的,间或发生的
Do you pay occasional visits to your friends and relatives? ;你会偶尔探访一下亲友吗?

plentiful a.丰富,充足的, 大量的
There are plentiful watermelons in the summer. ;夏季有大量的西瓜上市.

portion n.一份,一部分 vt.(~out)分配, 把…分给
A large portion of the company's profit goes straight back into new projects. ;公司的大部分利润直接投入到新的项目中.

qualify v.(使)胜任, (使)具有资格, (使)合格
Chinese Central Government believes that Tung Chee-hwa ;中央政府认为董建华
qualifies as the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. ;能胜任香港特别行政区行政长官一职.

respond vi.回答,答复; 作出反应,响应
He responded to my suggestion with a nod. ;他点头回应我的建议.

retreat vi.退却,撤退;规避, 退缩 n.退缩;退却;静居处
The soldiers had to retreat when they were beaten in battle. ;士兵在战争中受挫不得不撤退.

sake n.缘故,理由
Never do wrong for the sake of money. ;绝不要为金钱而做坏事.

scope n.(活动,影响等)范围; (发挥能力等的)机会, 余地
Everyone wants a job with a lot of scope for self-fulfilment. ;每个人都想有一份能充分发挥自己能力的工作.

sway vi.摇摆,摇动 vt.使摇摆;使改变看法 使动摇 n.摇摆; 起支配作用的影响
The trees are swaying gently in the breeze. ;树在微风中轻轻摇曳.
Don't sway from what you have decided. ;决定了就不要再摇摆 不定.

swing v.(使)摇摆,(使)摇荡; (使)旋转,(使)突然转向 n.摆动,摇摆;秋千
A large pendulum swung back and forth inside the grandfather clock. ;在老式落地座钟里面有一个大钟摆在摆来摆去.

synthetic a.合成的,人造的; 虚假的
A goal of the scientists is to make synthetic genes ;科学家的目标是合成基因后
and then reassemble them to design new species. ;将其重组以产生新的物种.

veteran n.老兵;经验丰富的人, 老手
Bridgitte Lin Ching Hsia is a veteran actress. ;林青霞是个银幕表演经验丰富的演员.



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