
来源:CET3    发布时间:2012-12-31    CET3辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:练习题
  • 第2页:答案


      1. According to the writer, “information ghetto” is caused by ________.
      A) the strict control of information
      B) the rapid technological advances
      C) the complete isolation of the poor
      D) the existence of mainstream society
      2. The data the Census Bureau collected indicates that ________.
      A) technology has widened the gap between the rich and the poor
      B) individual interest in computers might be a significant reason
      C) the survey has covered more than enough investigation samples
      D) the estimation by the Census Bureau is subject to correction
      3. According to the writer, one supposed function of computer games is ________.
      A) to divide social roles between boys and girls
      B) to build up settings for sports or other male skills
      C) to make the public get familiar with the computer
      D) to intensify the inequality between men and women
      4. It seems that critical technology is often ________.
      A) unavailable to the importing countries
      B) unavailable to the exporting countries
      C) not suitable to the developing countries
      D) keeping back the exporting countries’ economy
      5. The writer’s attitude towards the development of technology is ________.
      A) negative
      B) indifferent
      C) exciting and praising
      D) concerned and critical



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