
来源:CET3    发布时间:2012-12-31    CET3辅导视频    评论

  Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here.. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B) , C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet with a single line through the centre.
  16. Mr. Brown is looking for his glasses. He thinks he them behind in the office yesterday.
  A) forgot 
  B) put 
  C) left 
  D) set
  17. If you don't _______ smoking you will never get better.
  A) give off 
  B) give up 
  C) give in 
  D) give out
  18. What you said reminded me ________ something I read in the newspaper.
  A) for 
  B) by 
  C) from 
  D) of
  19. Ships are ________ than planes that people take them mainly for pleasure.
  A) very much slower 
  B) so much slower
  C) too much slower 
  D) much more slower
  20. Our English teacher insisted that we spend more time on ________ reading.
  A) worth 
  B) worthy
  C) worthwhile 
  D) worthless
  21. Doctor Green went on with his experiment on human being ________ the debate going on around him.
  A) for all 
  B) but for
  C) despite of 
  D) due to
  22. Being engaged in the research work, Dr. Yang seldom goes anywhere ________ his office.
  A) in place of 
  B) except to
  C) in addition to 
  D) instead of
  23. Do you think Mary will call her old friends as soon as she ________ to London?
  A) has got 
  B) gets
  C) got 
  D) will get
  24. The children ________ many times not to get closed to the fire.
  A) were being told 
  B) have been told
  C) had been told 
  D) told
  25. He doesn't dare to leave the house ________ he should be recognized.
  A) in case 
  B) if
  C) provided 
  D) so that




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