
来源:CET3    发布时间:2012-12-31    CET3辅导视频    评论



  Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)略
  Part II Structure (15 minutes)
  Directions: this part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.
  Section A
  Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
  16._________,Gloria started looking for work.
  A) All the money being spent B) All the money having been spent
  C) All the money spend D) Spending all the money
  17. It will take you one hour and fifty minutes _________ the top of Mount Tai.
  A) reaching B) to reach
  C) being reached D) having been reached
  18._________ the news, Ida changed her plans.
  A) In hearing B) To hear
  C) Of hearing D) On hearing
  19. Tony is talking about the friends and the food _________ interest him.
  A) which B) who
  C) that D)as
  20. I didn't understand at first why he couldn't pass the test, no matter _________ hard he had tried.
  A) when B) where
  C) what D) how
  21. In the ________ half of the 17th century those cities became even more prosperous.
  A) latter B) latest
  C) later D) late
  22. ________ coming here, I haven't seen a single person.
  A) Since B) From
  C) By D) At
  23. Between 1975 and 1996, the number of overseas visitors expanded _________ 27% on average each year.
  A) in B) by C) for D) to
  24. So little ________ about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyond me.
  A) did I know B) I know
  C) do I know D) I knew
  25. Had I known the result, I _________ you to tell me.
  A) would not ask B) would not have asked
  C) had not asked D) have not asked
  Section B
  Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
  26. If you look to the left, you will see a river of great (wide) __________.
  27. A (report) __________ is a person who writes news articles or who broadcasts news reports.
  28. It was the first time Rebecca (invite) __________ us to dine out.
  29. Both Marx and Engels were (German) __________.
  30. When (see) __________ near the horizon (地平线), the moon appears strikingly larger.
  31. When (heat) __________, iron can be changed into liquid.
  32. Computers have brought us a (revolution) __________ way of working.
  33. It is important that your homework (do) __________ by yourself, otherwise, you would never know how to do it.
  34. The general placed the flag over the captain, leaving only his face (uncover) ___________.
  35. That shy girl is quite (sense) __________ to other people's words.



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