
来源:CET3    发布时间:2012-12-31    CET3辅导视频    评论



  Part I Listening Comprehension
  Section A
  1. W: Look at that big field of corn. And there's a farm with some beautiful houses.
  M: You really get to know the country when you go by bus, don't you?
  Q: Where did the conversation most probably take place?
  【解析】根据男士的回答“go by bus”可知,两人是在汽车上谈论乡村的景致,故选D。
  2. W: Your spoken English is very good. I like it very much.
  M: Thank you You see, I've ever stayed in England for five years and during that time my oral English was improved a lot.
  Q: How long did the man stay in England?
  【解析】根据男士的回答“stayed in England for five years”可知,男士英语说的流利是因为他在英国呆了五年,故选D。
  3. M: We can ask Tim to help us repair the jeep.
  W: When would he find time? He has exams tomorrow.
  Q: What does the woman mean?
  【解析】根据女士的回答“He has exams tomorrow.”可知,女士知道Tim明天有考试,没有时间帮忙修车,故选C。
  4. M: Morning, Lily. What kept you?
  W: Morning, Stan. Sorry I'm so late, but you know, it's impossible to find a parking place round here.
  Q: Why was the woman late?
  【解析】根据女士的回答“impossible to find a parking place”可知,女士是因为找不到车位而迟到,故选C。
  5. W: I want to make meat soup for lunch, but I'm not sure what ingredients are needed.
  M: Here is a recipe your mother gave.
  Q: What is the woman going to do next?
  【解析】根据男士的回答“Here is a recipe your mother gave.”可知,男士建议女士看一下菜谱再做,故选C。
  Section B
  Conversation 1
  M: Hello, Amy. Are you coming to my birthday party?
  W: Yes, I am. How do I get to your house from the station?
  M: Well, call me when you get to the station and (6)I'll come and pick you up in my car.
  W: Are you sure it won't be too much trouble?
  M: It's no trouble at all. It only takes about 15 minutes.
  W: Oh, I want to check your phone number. Is it 82881688?
  M: No. It's 81881688.
  W: Oh, really?, I’m glad I checked.
  M: what time do you plan to arrive at the station?
  W: (7) I plan to get there around 8: 30.
  M: Ok. See you then.
  W: See you. Goodbye.
  Q6: How can the woman get to the man's house?
  【解析】根据男士的回答“I’11 come and pick you up in my ear.”可知,男士准备用车将女士从车站接回他家,故选A。
  Q7:When does the woman plan to get to the station?
  Conversation 2
  M: What are you going to do after your return from New York?
  W: I'm going to stay in the city.
  M: What will you do all day?
  W: I'm going to work with my father at the workshop. In the evening, I'll read books. (9) On weekends, I'll go to the park with my family.
  M: Have you ever worked?
  W: No, but I can learn. What are you going to do this summer?
  M: I'm going to camp. (10) I've gone to camp for four summers.
  W: I've never gone to camp. What do you do there?
  M: We do many things. In the morning, we go swimming and boating. In the afternoon, we play volleyball or tennis. We sit around a campfire at night. We sing or tell stories.
  W: That sounds wonderful.
  M: It is wonderful. What's Wales going to do this summer?
  W: I think he's going to the mountains with his parents.
  M: Well, so long, Alice. Have fun.
  W: You too, Leslie. Give my regards to Wales. I'll see you in October.
  Q8: What is the possible relationship between them?
  Q9:What is the woman going to do on weekends?
  【解析】根据女士的回答“0n weekends,I'll go to the park with my family.”可知,女士周末要和家人一起去公园,故选D。
  Q10:How many times has the man gone to camp in summer?
  【解析】根据男士的回答“four summers”可知,男士去野营四次了,故选D。
  Section C
  Here are little cars that may some day take the place of today's cars. If everyone drives such a car in the future, there will be (12) less pollution in the air. There will also be more parking spaces in cities, and the streets will be less crowded. Three such cars fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.(13) The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive. Driving will be safer, too, (14) as these little cars can go only 55 miles per hour. The cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city, (15) but they will not be useful for long trips.
  Q11: What is the passage talking about?
  【答案】Little cars
  【解析】短文很明显讲述的是车,而且短文反复强调的是小型车,并在下面几个问题中都提到“Little cars”,故此处应填“Little cars”。
  Q12:What’s the first advantage of little cars?
  【答案】air pollution
  【解析】在材料第二句中就提到了此车的第一个优点:“there will be less pollution in the air.”即减少污染,故此处应填“air pollution”。
  Q13:What about the cost of owning and driving such cars?
  【答案】much lower/less
  【解析】根据提示信息可推知,该题问的是小型车购买和使用的耗费情况。在材料中提到“The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive.”(购买和使用这种小型车会比较便宜。)故此处应填“much lower/less”。
  Q14:What’s the speed of little cars?
  【答案】55 miles
  【解析】根据提示信息很容易知道,此处所缺内容应该是关于速度的。材料中提到驾驶这种汽车很安全的原因是“...as these little cars can go only 55 miles per hour.”(因为这种小型车的速度只能达到每小时55英里),故此处应填“55 miles”。
  Q15:What's the disadvantage for little cars?
  【答案】long trips
  【解析】根据提示信息可推知,该题问的是小型车的适用范围。材料中除了提到这种车的优点外,也提到了它的一个缺点:“but they will not be useful for long trips.”(它们不适于用作长途旅行。)故此处应填“long trips”。




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