
来源:CET3    发布时间:2012-12-31    CET3辅导视频    评论



  Part I Listening Comprehension
  Section A
  1. W: Are you ready to order soup?
  M: Yes. I'd like to have some vegetable soup.
  Q: Where are the two speakers?
  【解析】根据文中“order soup”,“vegetable soup”等关键词可知,两个人是在餐馆里,故选B。
  2. M: Hi, Jane, do you have some changes? I have to make a call on the pay phone.
  W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.
  Q: What does the woman suggest the man doing?
  【解析】根据女士的回答“Why not use my mobile phone?”可知,女士建议男士用她的手机打电话,故选C。
  3. W: We have made ten copies.
  M: At first it's planned to need ten copies, and now we don't need so many. Five would be enough.
  Q: How many unnecessary copies they have made?
  【解析】根据文中“ten copies”,“Five would be enough”等关键词句可知,多了五份,故选A。
  4. W: The plane arrives at 10: 50. It is already 10:40 now. Be quick!
  Q: Relax. Your watch must be fast. There are still twenty minutes left.
  M: What time is it now7
  【解析】根据文中“10:50”,“10:40”和“still twenty minutes left”等关键词句可计算出现在是十点半,故选A。
  5. M: Did Henry decorate the whole house himself?
  W: He had it decorated because he has no time.
  Q: Why did Henry have his house decorated?
  【解析】根据女士的回答“because he has no time”可知,Henry是由于没时间才请人装修的,故选A。
  Section B
  Conversation 1
  M: Helen, can I have a look at your newspaper?
  W: Sure, go ahead.
  M: I want to know what's on this weekend.
  W: Is there anything interesting?
  M: The Fools Garden is giving a performance today.
  W: (6) They are a pop group. They are said to be very good. What time does the performance start?
  M: 7 p. m., will you be free then?
  W: Yes, I'd like to go.
  M: (7) Let’s go together then.
  W: (7) All right.
  Q6: What does the Fools Garden refer to?
  【解析】根据女士的回答“They are a pop group”可知,愚人花园是个流行乐队组合,故选B。
  Q7:What have the two speakers decided to do?
  【解析】根据男士的建议“Let's go together then.”和女士的肯定回答“An right”可知,两个人决定一起去,故选C。
  Conversation 2
  W: (8) I'm losing my sleep. I feel tired and sleepy all the time. I've got to do something about it.
  M: I'm so sorry for you. But what are you going to do?
  W: (9) I want to move out of the dorm and rent a small flat.
  M: That's a good idea. It will be much more convenient for you.
  W: But I need your help.
  M: How? (10) To find one person for you?
  M:I'll sleep on it tonight and tell you my decision tomorrow.Ok?
  Q8:What's wrong with the woman?
  【解析】根据文中开头“I'm losing my sleep.I feel tired and sleepy all the time.”可知,女士因失眠而感疲惫困顿,故选C。
  Q9:What's the woman going to do with the problem?
  【解析】根据女士的回答“l want to move out of the dorm and rent a small flat”可知,她想搬出宿舍去租个公寓住,故选D。
  Q10:Why does the woman need the man’s help?
  【解析】根据文中“To find one person for you?”这一关键句及女士的肯定回答可推知,女士想找个伴和她一起分担房租,故选A。
  Section C
  Fish are animals that live in water. (11) They live almost any place where there is water. Some are found in lakes. Other fish live in the sea. Most fish never leave water.
  (12) There are about 21,000 kinds of fish. One kind might not look like another. Some fish are very small. The smallest one is no bigger than a fly. Others are very big. (13) The biggest fish grows up to 60 feet.
  One kind of fish looks as if it has a little horse's head. It is called a sea horse. (14) It doesn't swim very well. A sea horse is mostly pushed along by the moving water. What does it do when it wants to stay in one place? It takes hold of plants (15) with its little tail.
  Q11:Where do fish live?
  【答案】almost any place
  【解析】根据文中“They live almost any place where there is water.”这一关键句可知,鱼类可以生活在任何有水的地方。
  Q12:How many kinds of fish are there in the world?
  【解析】根据文中“21,000 kinds offish”可知,鱼的种类数目为21,000种。
  Q13:How long does the biggest fish grow up to?
  【答案】60 feet
  【解析】根据文中“The biggest fish grows up to 60 feet.”可知,最大的鱼的长度为“60 feet”。
  Q14:What is the characteristic of a sea horse?
  【答案】swim very well
  【解析】根据文中“It doesn’t swim very well.”可知,海马的泳技不高。
  Q15:What does a sea horse do when it wants to stay in one place?
  【答案】its little tail
  【解析】根据提示信息可知,该题所缺内容应是“使用…”来抓住水草。听时抓住关键句“with its little tail.”可知,海马用它的小尾巴抓住水草,以此来固定身体。




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