英语口译:加拿大西部海域发生7.7级地震 发布海啸预警

来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

  (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake with a magnitudeof 7.7 hit Canada's Pacific coastalprovince of British Columbia late Saturday, setting off a small tsunami, but there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage, officials said.

  set off:引发

  The U.S. Geological Survey said an earthquake with a 7.7 magnitude had hit the province, centered 123 miles south-southwest of Prince Rupert at a depth of 6.2 miles.

  Earthquakes Canada said the quake in the Haida Gwaii region has been followed by numerous aftershocksas large as 4.6 and said a small tsunami has been recorded by a deep ocean pressure sensor.

  deep ocean pressure sensor:深海压力传感器

  "It was felt across much of north-central B.C., including Haida Gwaii, Prince Rupert, Quesnel, and Houston. There have been no reports of damage at this time," the agency said in a statement on its website.

  Officials with Emergency Management B.C. said in a conference call that while power supply had been hit in some areas, there was no major damage reported.

  Some communities on the Haida Gwaii islands, as well as Port Edward in the northwest of the province were being evacuated as a precaution.

  The provincial agency issued a tsunami warning for the north coast and Haida Gwaii, as well as for central coast communities like Bella Coola, Bella Bella and Shearwater.

  issue a tsunami warning:发布海啸预警

  A tsunami advisory was also issued for the outer west coast and part of the south coast of Vancouver Island. Officials said a lower-level advisory has been declared because of potentially strong currents and waves. It urged residents to stay away from beaches and shorelines until further notice.

  stay away from:远离

  The quake was not felt in the larger cities of Victoria or Vancouver in the south, a resident in each city told Reuters.

  The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said no destructive tsunami was expected from the quake but the West Coast-Alaska Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for coastal sections of British Columbia and Alaska.










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