
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论


  (45 minutes)
  Part A: Spot Dictation
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the ward or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in you ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.
  Mary Kathlyn Wagner was born in the state of Texas in 1918. For much of her childhood, she __________(1) her sick father while her mother worked long hours at a public eating place. Mary Kay married Ben Rogers when she was seventeen years old. They had three children before he left home to __________(2) World War II. When he returned, their marriage ended. Mary Kay looked for a job so she could __________(3).
  Mary Kay began selling different kinds of products. __________(4), she sold books. Later, she visited peoples’ homes to show how home care products such as __________(5) helped ease housework.
  One night, Mary Kay was __________(6) at the home of Ova Heath Spoonemore. Later in the evening, Missus Spoonemore began giving her guests some __________(7) skin care products. The products were developed by her father, J.W.Heath, in Arkansas. Mary Kay tried the skin care products and found they made her skin smooth.
  Mary Kay was successful selling home care products. Her __________(8) praised her work. But they never increased her earnings. She left the company after a man she trained was given __________(9) job than she had.
  Mary Kay said later that she learned from__________(10). It taught her that men did not believe that a woman could __________(11). She decided to prove them wrong. So she bought the rights to Mister Heath’s skin care products and started her own company. She paid 500 dollars for the legal rights to the products.
  The Mary Kay Cosmetics Company __________(12) in Dallas, Texas, in 1963. Mary Kay’s twenty-year-old son Richard was the company’s __________(13). The idea was to sell skin-care products through demonstrations in homes and offices. Nine sales representatives were chosen to sell the products.
  The sales representatives were __________(14). They bought products like soaps and skin __________(15) liquids from the company and sold them at higher prices to friends, family members and __________(16). Mary Kay decided that each representative who brought other sales women into the company would receive part of the __________(17). That way, experienced sales representatives would be willing to help train new ones.
  Mary Kay told the women who worked for her that __________(18) in life a person should put God first, family second and __________(19). She said women must discover how to be good wives and mothers while at the same time __________(20) in work.
  Part B: Listening Comprehension
  1. Statements
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
  1. (A) I can buy the cell phone at 2000 yuan on the Internet.
  (B) My budget is 2100 yuan for the cell phone.
  (C) The cell phone is not worth 3000 yuan at all.
  (D) Things cost more on the Internet except cell phones.
  2. (A) Customers are confident that you’ll offer ISO 9002 registration.
  (B) ISO 9002 registration can’t attract any more customers nowadays.
  (C) Customers trust you because you can provide ISO 9002 registration.
  (D) You lack ISO 9002 registration, so customers may have some doubt.
  3. (A) You should ignore him, whatever he says.
  (B) You should be careful in case he throws egg on you.
  (C) He could be a threat to other people.
  (D) He wants people’s notice, so he egg you on.
  4. (A) The departure gate was 16A and is now 25E.
  (B) The departure gate was 23F and is now 25A.
  (C) The departure gate was 25E and is now 23F.
  (D) The departure gate was 23F and is now 16A.
  5. (A) In order to avoid hearing loss, people should listen more to their mp3.
  (B) Listening to mp3 all day long is better than hearing noise.
  (C) Long-term exposure to noise hurts less than listening to mp3 at a high volume.
  (D) Listening to music at a low volume helps protect hearing.
  6. (A) Customer’s needs come first, if you want to succeed in business.
  (B) Businesspeople should try to change customer’s needs.
  (C) Products should be made first, so that customer could have more choices.
  (D) Businesspeople should expect their customers to like what they produce.
  7. (A) Mr. Johnson likes to lift weight during his spare time.
  (B) Mr. Johnson has a minor position at home.
  (C) Mr. Johnson wishes to be a chief executive officer.
  (D) Mr. Johnson doesn’t want to work at home.
  8. (A) I am telling the truth but nobody is listening.
  (B) If I tell the truth, maybe someone will care.
  (C) No one thinks that I’m telling the truth.
  (D) No one will pay attention to what I say.
  9. (A) There won’t be many people responding, though the percentage is not small.
  (B) You will have many people answering, no matter how small the relative percentage is.
  (C) Most of the people are unwilling to respond when you carry on a test.
  (D) The number of people who are responding depends on the percentage.
  10. (A) Many investors have an opportunity to raise the price of houses.
  (B) The real estate market has more houses for investors recently.
  (C) The return on investment in real estate will be substantial for many investors.
  (D) Houses are more expensive now, so the investors dare not buy them any more.



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