2008年3月16日 中级口译翻译 汉译英

来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

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  What today’s global market economy teaches many of us who are involved in political life is that even when they are inconvenient, the laws of economics, like the laws of physics, cannot be repealed for the convenience of governments. The economic principles for national success are as difficult to implement as they are easy to state. There is a paradox in all our countries. Just as a new global economy creates more to look forward to than ever before, it also brings more uncertainty and more change to worry about than ever before. That is why the challenge of crafting economy policy in your country as in mine is one of balance. A balance between moving toward necessary objectives and maintaining stability. A balance between responding to global realities and upholding domestic traditions. And a balance between the virtues of competition as the best known motivator and driver of success, and the importance of cohesion and cooperation as sources of strength for our societies. These balances will have to be struck and calibrated every year in every country in this new global economy. If one looks at the success over the long term of the economy in any developed country, more than any scientific innovation, what has been important is a potent social innovation. This is what one might call the intangible infrastructure of a modern market economy.  
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  Facilitated by a network of waterways, overseas trade in Qingpu area has thrived since ancient times. Mao Tower, the lighthouse built in the Tang Dynasty to guide ships, witnessed the growing prosperity of Zhujiajiao. // After Shanghai was established as a county-level administration, Zhujiajiao took advantage of Shanghai’s development to flourish into a market town thronged with merchants from all parts of the country among a thousand/ hundreds of/ many households of residents. // As it grew in prosperity with each passing day, its historical and cultural heritage became richer and richer. //
  At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Zhujiajiao was already a trading center for cotton cloth. With an upsurge of the rice trade afterwards, Zhujiajiao earned the reputation as a supplier of cloth for the whole country and grain and oil for the region south of the Yangtze River. // As the economy of Zhujiajiao became increasingly prosperous, its cultural activities presented a colorful picture. Zhujiajiao has always been a land of beautiful scenery / clear waters and magnificent buildings where scholars and intellectuals came forth in large numbers. // Now, what is gone is gone forever, but Mao Tower still stands there as witness to its glorious past. With the change of the times, Zhujiajiao has now developed into a prominent hub of economic and cultural activities. //



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