
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

  Spot dictation
  The Internet is an excellent source for finding many types of information and for keeping up with new developments in the world. Today, an ever increasing number of people are using the Internet to dig up related information, conduct business, or personal activities, access electronic databases, send e-mail, and network with relatives, colleagues or friends. Frequently referred to as the Information Super Highway, the Internet is actually a network of computer networks. You may
  think of the Internet as analogous to the inter-state highway system, Just as the inter-state system connects to different cities via many different routes, the Internet connects computers around the world via a number of different electronic pathways. At the most basic level, a computer, a modem, and a right type of software can get a person onto the Internet. Through the Internet you can access massive amounts of information by accessing computers that are linked together.
  Generally speaking, two types of information are available on the Internet, are the most useful for people. That is ,conversational resources, and reference resources.
  Conversational resources allow users to have conversations with individuals anywhere in the world. Mailing lists and news groups are the primary types of conversational resources. Mailing lists include electronic mail, whereby the user can read messages, send to any other individual, or group of individuals, who have subscribed by having their name and electronical mail address placed on the center’s list of addresses.
  News groups are essentially electronic bulletin boards. Any one with Internet access can post an article to the board, and any one with Internet access can read the board.
  The reference resources you most frequently encounter are the World Wide Web(www) or the web for short. The web uses HTML(hypertext markup language) to transfer text, sound, graphics and video. Of course, you need browsers to view documents, and navigate through the intricate links structure. The most popular and well-known browser is the Microsoft Internet Explorer.



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