
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

交通拥堵费 traffic jam fee
高考移民 NCEE migrant
争抢生源 poaching of talented students
电子教科书 digital textbook
自主招生 independent recruitment
医疗游客 medical tourist
基本药物 essential medicine
公立医院改革 public hospital reform
社保体系 social welfare system
弱势群体 vulnerable groups
以房养老 house-for-pension scheme
居家养老服务 home-based care services
税级 tax brackets
人才保障房 social security housing for talents
住房信息系统 housing information system
房产“加名税” name-adding taxes
空气质量监测 air quality monitoring
空气监测设备 air monitoring equipment
设立学术欺诈罪 make academic fraud a crime
刑事诉讼法 criminal procedural law
抗生素滥用 overuse of antibiotics
环保彩票 environmental lottery
可入肺颗粒物 PM2.5 particulate matter
信息安全法 information security law
小微企业 small and micro businesses
甲醇汽车methanol-fueled cars
过度包装 excessive packaging
养老保险 pension insurance system
反腐倡廉 anti-corruption bid
依法拆迁 lawful housing demolition and relocation
调控房价 housing prices control
贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor (wealth gap)
就业问题 employment
医疗改革 medical reform



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