
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论



  1. Our country assumes a practical and active posture in the pursuit of world peace.


  2. The United Nations has had no more consistent supporter than this country for its charter and the work of its specialized agencies.

  联合国没有哪一个成员国能够像我国那样始终如一的支持联合国的宪章以及 其专门组织的工作。

  3. We take part in many UN activities and have served on many of its bodies, including the Security Council.

  我们参加联合国的许多行动,并且在包括安理会在内的许多分支机构里服 务。

  4. Among the specialized agencies and subsidiary bodies we support are those assisting in development, food security, children, drug control and human rights.

  在专门的机构和分支机构里,我们了援助发展、粮食保障、儿童保护、毒品 管制、人权保护等专门组织和分支机构的工作。

  5. We have provided financial support, personnel and equipment for almost all major UN peacekeeping activities, contribute our assessed share of the costs of all UN operations and make additional contributions.

  我们为几乎所有的联合国维和行动提供了财政支持,人力和装备,我们交付 了所有联合国活动经费中我们分摊到的那一部分,并做出了超额贡献。


  1. 中国作为国际大家庭中的一员,以最积极的态度和充分的信心,真诚地 希望看到全球经济的共同繁荣。

  Adopting the most active attitude and exhibiting full confidence China, a member of international community, sincerely hopes to see the common worldwide economic prosperity.

  2. 中国经济是世界经济不可可分割的一部分。

  Chinese economy is an integral part of the world economy.

  3. 一方面,中国经济得益于世界经济的共同繁荣,另一方面,中国经济的 快速增长和消费量的上升,提供了巨大的市场和更多的就业机会,从而也为 世界经济的共同繁荣做出了贡献。

  On the one hand, Chinese economy benefits from the common worldwide economic prosperity; On the other hand, rapid economic growth and increasing consumption in this country contribute to the common worldwide economic prosperity by providing a vast market and more job opportunities.

  4. 中国的对外开放使其经济纳入了国际规则之中。

  In opening to the outside world, China links its economy in line with international rules and regulations.

  5. 中国一贯遵守这些规则,尊重国际惯例。

  China has consistently observed such rules and regulations, and has respected common international practices.




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