
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论


  第四篇 外交基石


  China will unswervingly carry out its independent foreign policy of peace in a comprehensive manner. China’s foreign policy serves to gain a long-term, sound international environment. Particularly, the policy aims to achieve an environment conducive to China’s socialist modernization drive, the maintenance of world peace and the promotion of joint development.


  China will continue to foster positive relationships with the developing countries and especially surrounding countries, persisting in a good-neighborly and friendly policy. We will implement the outcome of the China-ASEAN informal summit and intensify the China-ASEAN partnership of mutual trust oriented toward the 21st century. We will further develop extensive cooperation and exchange with the developed countries of the west in a wide range of areas. We will also strengthen unity and cooperation with countries in Africa, Latin America, South Asia, and Central and Eastern Europe, striving to establish a just and rational international political and economic order.


  China will continue to take part in multilateral diplomatic activities of a global, intercontinental and regional nature, and play a constructive role in the affairs of UN reform, the settlement of regional conflicts, peace-keeping, disarmament, arms control and environmental protection.




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