
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论


  Though he “made a determined effort to study” under his father’s preaching, he studied out of his own interest. He was just like an gourmet greatly attached to delicate food. Coarse and delicate, sweet and bitter, could well go into his enormous stomach. Similarly, he would burst into an uproar while reading low-brow books. He would chuckle while watching farcical parts in folk operas and even laugh out of his balance and imitate them again and again. As for refined and sophisticated works, either philosophical, aesthetical works or theoretical books of literature and arts, he would read them over and over, as kids licking their candies As a result, he finished reading those thick books one by one. Poetry was his favorite. If it were dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias which were too heavy to move, he would read them entry by entry, line by line. If there were any new version which he happened to come across, he would never get tired of squeezing the new entry into the old ones. He used to make notes while reading.



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