
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

   Conventionally speaking, the informal summit of APEC leaders would be centered on the economic integration of Asian-Pacific Region, the schemes of Asian-Pacific free trade zone, and strategic partnership in trans-Pacific economic cooperation. On each of earlier summits, participating countries generally negotiated over these issues, reached compromises, and debated on different versions of regional economic integration.
   However, on the Yokohama Summit concluded just recently, the real focus was quietly shifted, although the disclosed theme was "Changes and Actions” and some documents centered on traditional focus were created as the fruits, such as Growth Strategies of Leaders and Possible Channels to Establish the Asian-Pacific Free Trade Zone.
   The real focus of Yokohama Summit was an extension of the hot spots, i.e., currency liquidity and trade balance, on G20 Seoul Summit.
   Generally, everything is with its own emphasis and priority. The very intention of creating APEC was to promote the economic integration of Asian-Pacific Region and the establishment of Asian-Pacific free trade zone. After “Bogor Goals” (to achieve free, open trade and investment in Asian-Pacific Region) was set in 1994, 16 years has passed and 2010 is the so-called “standard-reaching year of the first stage”.
   In contrast with these goals, which shall be treated in prospective sight with determination and patience, members of APEC are confronted with tangible impacts from the shrouding financial crisis, the intense disputes over the exchange rate of Renminbi, and the excessive liquidity caused by the “quantitative easing” of the Federal Reserve.
   Many members in APEC are export-oriented, and therefore, a currency war is more threatening and damaging to them. If the response of European countries to the released liquidity of $ 600 billion by Fed and the consequent devaluation of U.S. dollars is regarded as “more bark than bite”, many Asian-Pacific countries, with the host Japan included, are anxiously and directly intervening in this issue.
   G20, due to its short history, lack of standing institutions and inadequate communication among members, is not a sound platform to go deep into the risks of currency war and address the related issue of trade balance through thorough idea exchanges and debates. Despite the close dates of these two summits, APEC is more familiar to the participating countries and thus more conducive to bargains and compromises.
   Unlike G20, APEC, whose members are more “doer” than “talker” on the disputes of currency liquidity, exchange rate and trade deficit, is characteristic of more intense collisions which result in more pragmatic and significant compromises.
   In terms of the achievements of APEC Summit about the “real focus”, they are more hollow than pragmatic, and more conceptual than concrete. Despite the consensus, no implementation programs are made with specific timetables. However, compared with G20 which even failed to reach such token “unanimity”, APEC is slightly superior.
   With economic recession not tackled yet and each country faced with 3 formidable burdens of resurgence, employment and inflation, currency and trade balance are both fundamental to the governance foundation of state leaders because such issues bear much on economic strategies and social stability. Reaching consensus on such issues and then putting agreements into practice is in itself extremely demanding. Although APEC shifted its focus according to the changing conditions and placed these issues as the priority of more urgence and more importance, it is obviously not realistic to expect more fruits on Yokohama Summit.



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