
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

  Questions 71 -80 are based on the following passage.
  The field of medicine has always attracted its share of quacks and charlatans —disreputable women and men with little or no medical knowledge who promise quick cures at cheap prices. The reasons why quackery thrives even in modern times are easy to find.
  To begin with, pain seems to be a chronic human condition. A person whose body or mind “hurts” will often pay any amount of money for the promise of relief. Second, even the best medical treatment cannot cure all the ills that beset men and women.People who mistrust or dislike the truths that their physicians tell them often turn to more sympathetic ears.
  Many people lack the training necessary to evaluate medical claims. Given the choice between (a) a reputable physician who says a cure for cancer will be long,expensive and may not work at all, and (b) a salesperson who says that several bottles of a secret formula “snake oil” will cure not only cancer but tuberculosis as well,some individuals will opt for “snake oil”.
  Many “snake oil” remedies are highly laced with alcohol or narcotic drugs.
  Anyone who drinks them may get so drunk or stoned that they drown their pains in the rising tide of pleasant intoxication. Little wonder that “snake oil” is a popular cure-all for minor aches and hurts! But let there be no misunderstandings. A very few “home remedies” actually work. However, most remedies sold by quacks are not only useless, but often can be harmful as well.
  71. In this passage, a quack or a charlatan is __________.
  A. someone who has a special ability
  B. someone who has little knowledge
  C. someone who is not a good doctor
  D. someone who pretends to be a doctor
  72. The sentence “pain seems to be a chronic human condition” means __________ .
  A. pain seems to be very serious
  B. pain seems to be very difficult
  C. pain seems to last for a long time
  D. pain seems to be always happening
  73. Quackery thrives even in modern times because  __________..
  A. patients pay any amount of money
  B. patients do not like their physicians
  C. quacks say that they can help patients
  D. best medical treatment costs very much
  74. People who seek the advice of quacks and charlatans are  __________..
  A. those who are poorly educated
  B. those who are highly educated
  C. those who dislike medical treatments
  D. those who mistrust physicians’ truths
  75. To evaluate medical claims, one must __________. .
  A. turn to reputable doctors B. make an adequate choice
  C. have the necessary training D. disbelieve promise of relief
  76. According to the author, a very few home remedies are  __________..
  A. useless B. harmful
  C. pleasant D. effective
  77. Which of the following statements is not true?
  A. quacks are really sympathetic B. “snake oil” does not work
  C. doctors cannot cure all ills D. patients are often impatient
  78. Many individuals opt for “snake oil” because __________. .
  A. they are misled by a secret formula
  B. they cannot afford a treatment
  C. they lack medical knowledge
  D. they do not trust physicians
  79. “Snake oil” is a popular cure-all for minor aches and hurts because  __________..
  A. it has actually worked B. it has some fruit stones
  C. it has been misunderstood D. it has alcohol or narcotic drugs
  80. Which of the following would be the best title of this passage?
  A. Distrust of Physicians B. Medical Treatment
  C. Snake Oil Remedies D. Guard Against Quackery
  Questions 81 -90 are based on the following passage.
  Modern industrial society grants little status to old people. In fact, such a society has a system of built-in obsolescence. There is no formal system for continuing our education throughout our life in order to keep up with rapidly changing knowledge.
  When our education and job skills have grown obsolete, we are treated exactly like those who have never gained an education or job skills and are not encouraged or given the opportunity to begin anew.
  As a society becomes more highly developed, the overall status of older people diminishes. Improved health technology creates a large pool of old people, who compete for jobs with the young. However, economic technology lowers the demand for workers and creates new jobs for which the skills of the aged are obsolete, forcing older people into retirement. At the same time, young people are being educated in the new technology and are keeping pace with rapid changes in knowledge. Finally,urbanization creates age-segregated neighborhoods. Because the old live on fixed incomes, they must often live in inferior housing. All these factors — retirement, obsolete knowledge and skills, inferior standards of living — lower the status of the aged in society.
  A century ago, when one could expect to live only to 50 or so, the life span more or less coincided with the occupation and family cycle. But today the average life span allows for fifteen to twenty years of life after these cycles. It appears that our life span is outpacing our usefulness in society.
  81. By “a system of built-in obsolescence” the author means .
  A. no formal systems exists in modern industrial society
  B. old people have no status in modern industrial society
  C. young people have chances in modern industrial society
  D. knowledge changes rapidly in modern industrial society
  82. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is true?
  A. People don’t have to gain education
  B. People don’t have to learn job skills
  C. People don’t have to be treated as equals
  D. People don’t have chances to begin anew
  83. The more highly developed a society is, .
  A. the more advanced technology will be
  B. the larger the number of people will be
  C. the more diminished old people’s status will be
  D. the lower the overall status of the people will be
  84. The high development of economic technology .
  A. makes job skills out of fashion
  B. lowers the demand for workers
  C. forces old people into retirement
  D. creates new jobs for older people
  85. Which of the following statements is not true?
  A. Retired people could only live on fixed incomes
  B. Retired people are more skillful than young people
  C. Young people are educated in the new technology
  D. Young people are keeping pace with rapid changes
  86. According to this passage, the status of the aged is lowered by .
  A. their forced retirement B. their inferior housing
  C. their longer life span D. their fixed incomes
  87. The sentence “our life span outpaces our usefulness” means .
  A. we can live longer and make progress
  B. we can live longer and do more work
  C. we can live longer but move slowly
  D. we can live longer but become useless
  88. The author’s attitude toward the aged is .
  A. realistic B. optimistic
  C. pessimistic D. sympathetic
  89. It can be deduced from this passage that .
  A. one should learn new skills
  B. one should be open-minded
  C. one should have a good personality
  D. one should keep pace with the times
  90. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
  A. The Problem of Aging B. Social Structures
  C. Economic Technology D. Continuing Education
  71. D72. D 73. C 74. D 75. C
  76. D 77. A 78. A
  79. D 80. D 81. B 82. D 83. C 84. C 85. B
  86. A 87. D 88. D 89. D 90. A



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