
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

Drug Policy and Drug-Related Policing in the 21st Century

--Remarks of ONDCP Director Kerlikowske at the Chinese People’s Public Security University

September 12, 2012




  Thank you for that kind introduction. I’d also like to thank the faculty and University staff for your important work in law enforcement education and training. Law enforcement is a position of great responsibility and public trust, and I am very proud of my many years of service in law enforcement. Institutions such as the Public Security University can play a vital role in fostering new ideas in policing, shaping policing practices, and advancing new law enforcement strategies in China and around the world. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about the U.S. approach to drug policy and to describe what lessons we have learned from our experience in drug-related policing over the past decades.


The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy


  Let me begin by telling you a bit about the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). ONDCP’s primary role is to establish drug-related policies, priorities, and objectives for the Nation. Our objectives are to reduce illicit drug use, manufacturing, and trafficking, drug-related crime and violence, and drug-related health consequences. To achieve these goals, we coordinate the Nation's anti-drug efforts and develop guidelines for cooperation among Federal, state, and local entities. We set budget priorities for every Federal department and agency involved in drug issues, including the Departments of Justice, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Transportation, State (our Foreign Ministry), and Defense.


  In 2010, we released the Obama Administration’s inaugural National Drug Control Strategy – the Administration’s blueprint for reducing drug use and its consequences in the United States. The 2010 Strategy and subsequent annual Strategies outline a balanced and comprehensive drug control policy recognizing that an effective approach must include prevention, early intervention, treatment, support for those in recovery from addiction, law enforcement, and international partnerships.


Lessons from My Career in Law Enforcement in the United States


  Before President Obama appointed me as the Director of National Drug Control Policy in 2009, I’d spent 37 years – my entire professional career – in law enforcement. Of course I had to deal with all of the challenges faced by law enforcement officials – including domestic disturbances, robberies, acts of violence, gang activity, and drug- and alcohol-related problems.




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