
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论


  Movement in the China-NK Relationship?

  The relationship between China and North Korea has entered the spotlight in the days since the North’s long-range rocket misfire and its celebration of Kim Il Sung’s birth centennial last weekend.

  朝鲜发射远程导弹失败以及它上个周末庆祝金日成(Kim Il Sung)百年诞辰以来的这几天,中国和朝鲜的关系成为了各方的关注焦点。

  Diplomats at the United Nations and military experts are trying to determine whether China provided a missile-transport vehicle, seen in the Kim Il Sung celebration parade on Sunday, that carried an apparently new missile.


  The truck appears similar to those used to ferry missiles and rocket parts in China. If it was made in China, the country likely violated the 2009 U.N. sanctions aimed at preventing the advance of North Korea’s weapons program.


  At a daily briefing on Thursday, China Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said: ’China is always against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the carrier equipment of such weapons. China actively abides by relevant Security Council resolutions and practices strict control of export control of non-proliferation materials.’


  Meanwhile, in what would be a stunning development if true, Chinese border guards and police have reportedly been told not to repatriate North Korean defectors and refugees who have escaped the country to China, according to Japanese media reports that cited provincial officials without using their names.


  Those reports say China is easing its treatment of defectors as a penalty against the North Korea authoritarian regime for undertaking last week’s long-range missile launch, which Pyongyang called a rocket trying to reach space.


  Chinese authorities and diplomats in Beijing have not confirmed those reports, but, given the country’s close relationship with North Korea, they are not considered likely to do so.


  China’s often-stated top goal in its relationship with North Korea is ’stability.’


  Andrei Lankov, the North Korea scholar at Seoul’s Kookmin University, told an audience in Seoul just before last week’s rocket launch, ’China will exercise mild pressure on North Korea, making sure the pressure will not become destabilizing.’

  韩国国民大学(Kookmin University)的朝鲜问题专家兰科夫(Andrei Lankov)在朝鲜上周发射火箭前夕对首尔的一批听众说,中国将向朝鲜施加温和的压力,它会确保这些压力不会破坏中朝关系的稳定。

  A public acknowledgement by Beijing that it provided vehicles or other materials in violation of U.N. sanctions, plus a direct explanation of its treatment of North Korean defectors, would mark a significant change in that ’mild pressure.’


  Evan Ramstad



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