
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

  1.Abode n.住处 同:residenceThe woodcutter’s abode was a house in the forest.

  2.Annual adj.一年一次的 同:yearlyThe company allows us an annual vacation of two weeks.

  3.Coax v.诱哄 同:cajoleThe mother coaxed the boy to take the medicine, but he refused to take it.

  4.Colleague n.同事 同:associateThe teacher’s colleagues taught his classes while he was ill.

  5.Dispense v.分配 同:distributeThe Red Across dispensed food and clothing to the flood victims.

  6.Gingerly adv.极度小心;谨慎的 同: cautiouslyIn the darkness, he turned to the left, stepping gingerly.

  7.Hug v.抱紧 同: embraceThe mother hugged her lost child and kissed him.

  8.Humiliate v.使丢脸 同:disgraceThe boys humiliated their parents by behaving badly in front of the guest.

  9.Obstruct v.阻隔;遮断 同:impedeThe mountain roads were obstructed by falling rocks.

  10.Overthrow v.推翻 同:upsetThe government was overthrown.

  11.Recapture v.收复 同:retakeThe soldiers recaptured the city lost to the enemy.

  12.Slim adj.细长的 同:slenderHe was very slim, being six feet tall and weighting only 130 pounds.

  13.Vicinity n. 1.附近 同:neighborhood 2.接近There are no houses for sale in this vicinity.The vicinity of the apartment to his office was an advantage on rainy days.

  14.Arctic n.北极地区 反:antarcticThe Arctic has an extremely cold winter.

  15.Attic n.阁楼;顶楼 反:basementWe store trunks in the attic of the house.

  16.Diminish v.减少 反:enlargePoor crops so diminished the food supply that people were starving.

  17.Dishonest adj.不诚实的 反:candidA person who lies, cheats, or steals is dishonest.

  18.Drunken adj.醉的 反:soberThe noisy drunken man on the street was soon arrested by the police.

  19.Foe n.敌人 反:friendThe person who holds ill feelings against you is your foe.

  20.Foresee v.预知 反:retrospectHe foresaw that his journey would be delayed by bad weather.

  21.Jolly adj.愉快的 反:gloomyEveryone at the party was very jolly, and didn’t want to leave the party.

  22.Maximum n.最大量 反:minimumSixteen miles in a day was the maximum distance we could walk.

  23.Mistress n.女主人 反:masterShe felt she was no longer mistress in her own house when her husband’s mother came to stay.

  24.Prefix n. 前缀词缀 反:suffix“Under” in underline, “dis-” in disappear, and ”pre-” in prepaid are prefixes.

  25.Relax v.松懈;放松 反:strainDiscipline can’t be relaxed until the last day of school has passed.

  26.Superficial adj.肤浅 反:internalThe speaker had only a superficial knowledge of the subject.

  27.Allege v.声称The storekeeper alleged that the boy had stolen some fruit.

  28.Current adj.现在的We read the daily newspaper to keep up with the current situation.

  29.Exalt v.赞扬They were exalted by their son’s success.

  30.Expand v.膨胀The balloon expanded as it was filled with air.

  31.Industrialize v.使工业化We have to make our every effort to industrialize our country.

  32.Justify v.证明为正当Your wish to go for walk does not justify your leaving the baby alone in the house.

  33.Prescribe v. 1.开处方 2.规定The doctor prescribed a new medicine for the pain in my joints.Good citizens do what the laws prescribe.

  34.Presume v.推测John didn’t say when he would return, but I presume he’ll be back for dinner.

  35.Slaughter n.屠宰The cattle were sent to the city for slaughter.

  36.Statistics n.统计表;统计学These statistics show that the population of the country will be doubled in ten years.

  37.Supplement n.附刊Today’s newspaper has a supplement on the new automobile models.

  38.Trifle n.琐事You will not succeed if you waste your time on trifles such as movies and dances.

  39.Withdraw n.收回He quickly withdrew his hand from the hot stove.

  40.Armor n.铁甲Nothing could break through the armor of the new tank.

  41.Buzz v.使作嗡嗡声The radio should be fixed; it buzzed whenever I turn it on.

  42.Cancer n.癌A great many cancers can be cured, but only if properly treated before they have begun to spread.



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