
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

  Edittor 编辑 Excutive story editor,Visual effect supervisor,

  Special effect特技

  Created by…制片人

  Music by… 音乐

  Written by… 写作

  All right reserved 版权所有

  Special guest star 特邀演员

  Featuring  Focus Puller Film editor Dramatised by…

  Lighting 灯光

  Sound 音响

  Story by… 故事编辑 Senior produced

  Sound recordist 录音

  Vidio tap edit 磁带编辑

  Make up 化装

  Post production

  后期制作 Scrip by…

  Art 艺术

  Scrip design Body make up Guest staring Associated production Line production

  A word. (我要和你)说句话。

  About? 哪方面的事情?

  Absolutely not. 绝对不可能。

  Act normally. 表现正常。

  Actually. 实际上。

  Afternoon. 下午好。

  Aim! Fire!睢准!射击!

  All stand. 全体起立!

  All the time. 一直是这样。

  Almost done. 几乎全做完了。

  And the rest? 还有呢?

  Any idea? 有什么想法吗?

  Any problems? 有什么问题吗?

  Any question. 任何问题(都可以提问)。

  Anytime. 任何时间(都行)。

  Anyway. 任何方法都(可以)。

  Blood sure. 绝对肯定。

  Correct. 正确。

  Damn it. 该死。

  Do care. 小心点。

  Easy, easy. 小心点,小心点。

  Enough. 足够了。

  Fire? Fire. 开枪吗? 开枪。

  First thing first. 首先。

  Good done. 干得好。

  Good job. 干得好。

  Good point. 好主意。

  Good result. 干的好。

  Good short. 好枪法。

  Great Congratulation. 祝贺你。

  Great speech. 讲得很好。

  Hi, sweat. 喂,亲爱的。

  Hi, there. 喂,你好。

  I say. 依我说。

  I see. 我明白了。

  Me, too. 我也要。

  Meaning? 什么意思?

  No bother. 不麻烦。

  No idea. 不知道。

  No kidding. 这不是开玩笑。

  No problem. 没问题。

  No way. 没门;不行。

  Not bad. 不错。

  Not exactly. 不准确。

  Not now. 不是现在。

  Not yet. 还没呢。

  O.K.? 你好吗?

  Oh, Miss! 喂,小姐。

  Oh, my god. 哦,我的上帝。

  A monster tries to get me. 有个魔鬼要抓我。

  All happened in same time. 所有这一切都同时发生。

  And I/'ll talk to you later. 我过后跟你谈谈。

  And most importantly, ... 最主要的是…

  And my guess is… 我猜是…。

  And now, I do expect that. 现在,我确实希望这样。

  And right now I/'ve been hurt enough.


  And the world will know. 只有天知道。

  And you made me sick. 你让我恶心。

  Anytime for you. 你任何时间都可以。

  As a matter of fact. 事实上。

  As far as I know. 就我所知,

  As you can see.正如你看到的。

  As you wish, if you want. 随你吧。

  Be my pleasure. 我很乐意。

  Believe or not, he/'ll come. 相信不相信,他都要来。

  Between you and me. 就你和我;就我们俩知道。

  Both, I guess. 我想两个都是。

  But I can do that. 我能干。

  But in the mean time. 与此同时。

  But it did happen. 但这确实发生了。

  But it sounds necessary. 听起来有必要。

  But something has changed. 但有些事情已经改变了。

  But this time I won. 不过这次我赢了。

  But we have to deal with it. 我得处理这件事情。

  By accident. 是偶然。

  Damn, you are killing me. 该死,你要弄死我。

  Damn. I got it. 太好了,我得到了。

  Do what you want. 你想干什么,就干吧。

  Doctor says no problem. 医生说没问题。

  Doctors, lawyers, Judge, anyone. 医生,律师,法官,任何人(都行)。

  Easy come, easy go. 来的容易,走得快。

  Enough is enough. 够了就是够了。

  Even the dogs take holiday. 就是狗也有自己的假期呀。

  Everybody can figure out. 每人都能估计出来。

  Everybody keeps say that... 大家都一直说…。

  Everything get control. 一切都得到了控制。

  Everything is fine. 一切都正常。

  Everything is going to be fine. 一切都会好的。

  Everything is my fault. 都是我的错。

  Everything she said is lying. 她说的都是假的。

  Everything went wrong. 一切都乱了。

  Everything will be right. 一切都会好的。

  Everything/'s going wrong. 一切都乱了。

  Exactly. 完全准确。

  Face to face. 面对面地。

  From God. 从上帝那里来。

  From the fact, I know… 根据事实,我知道…. 。



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