
来源:口译笔译    发布时间:2013-01-30    口译笔译辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:第一部分:交替传译
  • 第2页:第二部分:同声传译
      Certificate of English Interpretation: Level 1
      Section 1: Consecutive Interpreting.
      Now please listen to the instructions about this section. I’ll give you a brief introduction before each part begins and leave you enough time to do the interpreting.
      Each part is divided into a number of segments and at the start of each segment you’ll hear this tone (TONE). At each pause where you are expected to start interpreting, you’ll also hear this tone (TONE). You’ll hear each segment only once.
      Let’s start with Part 1.
      Part 1
      English to Chinese
      In this part you are going to hear part of a report by the Secretary-General on the work of the UN. Please interpret the speech into Chinese.
      Let’s begin.
      [TONE] // [TONE]
      During the past year there have been extraordinary challenges to security and stability. The terrorist attacks in the United States of America on September 11th 2001 dramatized the global threat of terrorism and highlighted the need for a broad strategy to combat it. Already, the United Nations has played an important role in mobilizing international action in the global struggle against terrorism. We know that terrorism is not a new phenomenon; it has deep political, economic, social and psychological roots. I firmly believe that the terrorist menace must be suppressed, but States must ensure that counterterrorist measures do not violate human rights. [TONE] // [TONE]
      In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11th the international community has focused its attention on the challenge of reconstructing weak or collapsed States, like Afghanistan, which provide fertile breeding grounds for terrorism. Simultaneously, there has been a sharp escalation of violence and tension in the Middle East, in South Asia, and in central Africa over the past year. [TONE] // [TONE]
      There were also positive developments on the international scene. East Timor gained independence and Sierra Leone held peaceful presidential and parliamentary elections. The conferences atDoha on trade, Monterrey on financing for development, and Johannesburg on sustainable development outlined steps that can help to meet the millennium development goals. The entry into force of the Statute of the International Criminal Court was an unprecedented step forward for world order and justice. There was also increasingly widespread recognition that respect for international treaties and international law is essential for human security, stability and progress. [TONE] // [TONE]
      One of the basic truths of our time is that no single country has the capacity to cope with the political, economic, environmental and technological challenges of an interconnected world. Problems such as terrorism, mass refugee movements, HIV/AIDS, overpopulation, environmental degradation and pollution transcend national borders, and require international solutions - and the number of global problems requiring global solutions is continually growing. All nations stand to benefit from the constructive change that multilateralism makes possible, as well as the opportunities and solutions that it provides. Moreover, multilateral action is possible in many cases where unilateral involvement would be impossible or undesirable. [TONE] // [TONE]
      Fulfilling its role as a universal organization, the United Nations has helped to develop the principles and practice of multilateralism. The Organization is a unique instrument available to the world for dealing with critical global problems that require the collective resources and cooperation of all countries. It provides the common structures and institutions by which we can further our profound universal human interests. [TONE] // [TONE]
      That’s the end of Part I. Now we move on to Part 2.
      Part 2
      Chinese to English
      In this part you are going to hear part of a speech delivered at an International Conference. Please interpret the speech into English.
      [TONE] // [TONE]
      今天, 首届国际水稻大会在北京隆重开幕。首先,我代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,向与会各界来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!向大会表示热烈的祝贺![TONE] // [TONE]
      水稻是世界上食用人口最多、历史最悠久的农作物。世界上90%的水稻产自亚洲,养育着25亿人口。水稻在亚洲各国的农业发展和历史文明中占有重要地位。[TONE] // [TONE]
      在上个世纪的100年里,科技进步突飞猛进,有力地推动了生产力的发展和人们生活质量的提高。物质科学、生命科学、信息科学、空间科学、海洋科学和环境科学等领域的进步,使人类不断揭开自然界的奥秘,不断掌握新知识、新概念、新理论和新方法。科学技术新发展孕育的农业科技革命,极大地促进了世界农业生产的发展。[TONE] // [TONE]
      科技进步为中国的农业生产力和综合效益的提高发挥了重要作用。中国粮食年生产能力由上世纪六十年代初的2亿吨提高到目前的5亿吨,以不足世界10%的耕地养活了占世界22%的人口。现在,中国12亿多人民已解决了温饱问题,生活总体上达到小康水平。中国为世界粮食生产和安全做出了自己的贡献。[TONE] // [TONE]
      我们必须看到,世界农业正面临着新的挑战,全球范围内的粮食安全问题依然存在。随着人口的增长,世界粮食需求将继续显著增加,而耕地、淡水等粮食生产的基本要素却呈不断减少的趋势。在相当一些国家和地区,粮食问题仍尚未根本解决,全球营养不良的人口仍有7.9亿。这些问题和挑战,需要各国政府和各界有识之士加强合作,共商解决之计。[TONE] // [TONE]
      共享科技进步带来的成果,实现各国的普遍发展,需要各国政府和人民共同努力,尤其需要各国科学家的共同奋斗。中国与国际水稻科技界几十年来富有成果的交流和合作证明:不同文化传统、经济模式和发展水平的国家开展科技交流与合作,对合作各方和世界的发展都有利。我们主张按照平等互利、成果共享、尊重知识产权的原则积极进行国际合作,鼓励中国科技人员与各国科学家加强合作研究,为各国的共同发展和普遍繁荣做出贡献。[TONE] // [TONE]
      That’s the end of Section 1. Thank you.



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