
来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    商务英语辅导视频    评论

  1. Homework review
  2. Key points at exam rooms
  3. Oral test
  4. Business passage reading
  5. Homework
  I. Homework review
  Homework 1
  Report on making more use of technology in HR Department
  This report sets out to give some recommendations on making more use of technology in HR Department.
  Strengths and Weaknesses
  The current use of technology in HR Department is not very satisfactory. Each member of staff in HR Department has their computers to facilitate their work, but they never made full use of them. A computer is nothing but a document processor for most of our staff. They only type documents, copy and print them through computers. Some advanced users surf the net to gather information. Besides, our computers are out of date. They are slow when working on complex tasks. That will slow down our work speed.
  1. Our old computers should be replaced by up-date ones.
  2. Some latest software should be brought in to replace manual work, such as assessing system. All we need to do is putting numbers in, then computers will tell who did the best job and who deserves most money.
  3. It is strongly recommended that we should give trainings to employees on how to applying the technology.
   It may cost us money to update our computers in the short-term.n But it is worth changing with forthcoming enhanced efficiency.
   The softwaren can at least double work efficiency. Our staff will be excited and enthusiastic too.
  John Smith
  HR Manager

  推荐信息:2012年BEC报考指南 考试时间




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