
来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-16    商务英语辅导视频    评论

1.     Homework Review
2.     What are the public relations?
3.     The benefits of good HR
4.     Organizing a PR event
5.     Vocabulary consolidation on unit 4b
6.     Unit 5a preview --- relocation
7.     Oral practice --- Selling products
8.     数字知识系列(一)
9.     完型填空
10. Homework
I. Homework Review

happy with
diversify into
set up
be faced with
to stay/be loyal to
exchanged for
compete with
be committed to sth.

Dear Mr. Oltey

Thank you for your letter of 10 November 2002 concerning car arrangements for our December conference.

I would like to inform you that certain changes have been made.
9 December
·          Firstly, you can collect our delegates from Grand Hotel at 8.30am rather than 8.15 because the conference centre is not far.
·          We will not need your cars to transfer guests at 6pm because we will hold the Chairman’s party in the conference center instead of the Grand Hotel.

10 December
·          You will take delegates to my factory site. However, our factory site is in Commercial Road not Station Road. I am sorry for the mistake.
·          After you return to the Grand Hotel for lunch, could you possibly wait there until 2.30pm? There are twelve people who need transport to the airport.

I do hope these changes will not inconvenience you and I will phone you next week to check if everything is fixed.

Yours sincerely

David Guan                                        

II. What are public relations?
public relations noun
1 [uncountable] the work of explaining to the public what an organization does, so that they will understand it and approve of it 公共关系工作
They ran their own successful public relations business in London. 他们在伦敦经营自己的非常成功的公共关系公司。
2 [plural] the relationship between an organization and the public 公共关系
The project has been disastrous for the bank in terms of public relations. 就公共关系而言,该项目对这家银行而言是失败的。
a public relations exercise (=done in order to improve the relationship between the public and an organization) . 公共关系运作

1.      Decide whether the following are the responsibility of the PR or Marketing Department at Skoda.

*Eilish O’Shea
’ apostrophe

Ø        Communication with the press
Ø        Development of the company’s reputation
Ø        Public awareness of company values

Marketing Department
Ø        Research into the public’s needs
Ø        Brand development
Ø        Decisions about product pricing

2. 语言要点:描述工作职责
My job is to ..
Ø        My job is to plan and manage the public relations strategy for the Skoda brand in the UK.

I’m responsible for…
Ø        This means I’m responsible for dealing with the press,……

My job involves

In this job you have to …

dealership noun [countable] a business that sells a particular company's product, especially cars 代理经销(尤指代理汽车销售)

primary adjective
1 [usually before noun] most important 最重要的
ᅳ同义词 main
Our primary concern is to provide the refugees with food and healthcare.我们最主要的担忧就是向难民提供食品和医疗援助。



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