《商务英语口语900句》Unit 5:询盘

来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-16    商务英语辅导视频    评论

  Unite Five 询盘

  Part One.

  101.Please quote us for the goods listed I enclosed inquiry sheet giving your prices CIF Jakarta.
  102.Please quote us your lowest price CIF Hamburg for ten MT of walnut meat.
  103.Please quote us FOB London for 100 reams of good quality white poster paper.
  104.Please quote us your most competitive prices in order to consummate business.
  105.Please quote us your lowest price for fertilizers .
  106.Please quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each order.
  107.Please make us a offer on CIF Hongkong bases for hand made leather gloves.
  108.Please make us a offer giving your price FOB New York.
  109.We have already made an enquire for your articles please make a offer before the end of this month.
  110.I would like to make a enquiry about this type of leather bag.
  111.We shall be pleased if you finished us with your quotation for this product.
  112.Many of customers are interested in your “Seagull” brand household scissors and we wish to have your CNF Shanghai quotations. 我要收藏
  113. We want to know the price CIF Tokyo for your printed shirting.
  114.We are anxious to get a offer for your products.
  115. We shall be very glad to receive a offer from you on this brand of radios.
  Part Two.
  116.We shall like to know the offer for the rice of this kind.
  117.We ‘d like to know the minimum order quality per color and per design.
  118.What price could you quote us on two dozens sets?
  119.Would you please quote us a price one your 71 * 81 reversible wool blankets 15% wool and 85% cotton, bound with rayon satin?
  120.How much you asking for this brand of ties?
  121.If we order 10,000 units what would be your offer?
  122.What’s the price for 1000 Kg of white sugar.
  123. Can you supply this quality at approximately 50% cents per meter?
  124.If our order is a substantial one how much will you bring your price down?
  125.How much discount could you offer on a order of this size ?
  126.Please inform us what special offer you can make us ?
  127.Here is a list of my requirements I ‘ld to have your lowest quotations CIF New York.
  128.Please inform us of your lowest price CIF London.
  129.We’d appreciate it very much if you let us know what discount you can grant us if we give you a large order of your products.
  130.Please let us have your best quotation by tomorrow together with the appropriate time of shipment.



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