
来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-16    商务英语辅导视频    评论

  4. 征求意见类


  You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.

  Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:
   informing them of the postponing and giving the reason
   stating a new date and time for the meeting
   requesting suggestions for the agenda.
   Write on your Answer Sheet.

  词汇:postpone; delay
     agenda, schedule, timetable


  I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. Because several team members will be abroad for another project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.

  Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?
  I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.

  5. 求助申请类


  You have lost your calculator, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray.

  Write a memo to her
   saying that you need a replacement
   explaining what happened to the old one
   asking her to approve the request
 Write about 40-50 words.


  I am writing to apply for a replacement calculator. I found the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday. As a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request?


  You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills.

  Write an email to your line manager:
   requesting time off work to go to the seminar
   saying when the seminar is
   explaining why you want to go
  Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

  词汇:line and staff management, line manager, staff manager

  句型:May I have your permission to do sth?


  To: Nick Johnson

  Subject: Presentation Skills Seminar

  I would like to attend a seminar on 3 April.

  It is about presentation skills. Since I have to make many presentations to customers, this seminar will be very useful.

  Could you tell me if it’s possible to take time off work to attend this seminar?



  6. 推荐建议类


  Your company’s Sales Department has asked you to give a talk next Friday on your most recent project.

  Write an email to Mrs Jay in the Sales Department:
   agreeing to give the talk and suggesting a time
   saying what equipment you will need
   requesting information about the participants.
  Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

  句型:I think.....
     Why not......
     Shall we......
     I suggest.......



  suggest doing sth
  suggest eg suggest a holidy
  suggest that sb do sth

  recommend recommend some articles
  recommend to sb (eg a friend)
  recommend doing sth (eg putting another board up)
  recommend that sb do sth


  To: Anna Jay

  Subject: Talk Next Friday

  I would like to give the talk suggested by you and I think 9.30am, after the break, would be the perfect time.

  Required equipment: - Overhead Project

  - Flipchart with Pens

  Please give me some information about the people participating.




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