
来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-16    商务英语辅导视频    评论


  As a human being, one can hardly do without friend. It is because one is not only an individual, but also a social being as well. There are times when one needs to turn to someone for help or comfort. It is because life is full of disappointment, sorrow, loneliness and sorrows. In today's competitive society, no one can cope everything by himself.

  There are many kinds of friends. Some are just our playmates, some for show-off, but true friends are those you can count on when faced with difficulties. There is a well-known saying "Friend in need is friend indeed". If your friends turn a cold shoulder to you or even turn against you when you are having troubles, he/she is not your genuine friend.

  Therefore, I prefer staying with those friends who are helpful, trusting, encouraging and loyal. Being selective and knowing that they can stay by my side when I need them is the most important principle in friend-choosing.

  15) As technology has greatly excelled, the mobile phone market is getting larger and larger.

  According to a survey, as high as 40% people in a coast city in China have already owned mobile phones.

  There are certain reasons why people prefer mobile phones. As shown in the chart, nearly over 95% people put convenience in the first place. Following that, about 80% of people state that a mobile phone is most helpful in emergency situations. It is true that mobile phones have brought much convenience to people's daily life. It makes life much easier. You don't have to wait around for a phone call, you can contact people wherever you are, and thus it can be more productive. It may help you or even save your life in emergency cases. Of course, there are many other advantages too. . .

  Honestly, there are certain hazards by using mobile phones. Many people have realized some of them. It is shown that nearly over 95% people admit that they have to spend much of their money on it's bills. Thus, if used improperly, it can increase some people's economical burden.

  Apart from that, over 60% people state that it may do harm to people's health. However, not many people, only about 20%, have realized that the wasted batteries would be harmful to the environment.

  Mobile phones, in my opinion, will continue to be seen and will only be seen more and more as technology advances. When they are appropriately used, the benefits will be greater, more helpful and more important.




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