
来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-16    商务英语辅导视频    评论

Lesson 5

  Dialog 1 New word: vendor website(销售网址),specification=Specs FAQ=frequently asked questions

  F: How did the web search go? (表示询问)
  M: Superb. I visited a lot of vendor websites.
  F: Did you check out their product pages?
  M: Sure, that is why I found the technical specs.
  F: What about the FAQs? Did you read the vendors' FAQs?
  M: The FAQs are really useful. (表强调), a lot of people had the same questions I had
  F: So these vendor sites answered all your questions.
  M: All my technical questions ,anyway(至少)

  Q:Which site answered his questions?
  A: The vendor's website.

  Dialog 2:


  F:Where else did you search on the net?
  M: Some users had put up sites on specific products.
  F: That's good products advertising.
  M: Well(表示意义的转折),when the comments are positive, it is.
  F: You mean users post negative comments too. What a surprise!
  M: Some, but the topic is more on how to use the product.
  F: and how to avoid bugs(故障)?(疑问词+动词,)
  M: Lots of tips get posted on those users' websites.

  Q: What website has a lot of tips?
  A: User's webs.

  Dialog 3:

  Did you email any users?

  M: No, not yet. I don't think I need to.
  F: You got enough information just from the sites?
  M: Every website has links to other sites.
  F: So you just surf from site to site.
  M: I followed the links from site to site, reading about design software.
  F: And you know what you want now?
  M: I've got a good picture (understand) just by following the links.
  Q; How did he surf from site to site?
  A: by following the links.

  Small talks:(Ask for help)

  ——Could you help me out? ( 较为委婉),would (will)you lend me a hand







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