
来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-16    商务英语辅导视频    评论

Unit 1 

First meetings 1
introductions and greetings
1. Listening You are going to hear a number of people introducing themselves. Some of the introductions involve two people, some involve three. First look at the conversations in the pictures below. Then, as you listen, number these conversations in the order you hear them. The first one has been done for you.
a.( ) A: Hello, I'm...
      B: Nice to meet you. My name's...

b.( ) A: Hello, let me introduce myself. My name's...
      B: Pleased to meet you. I'm...

c.( ) A: I don't know anyone here. You'll have to introduce me
      B: Of course, Roger ,this is...
      C: Nice to meet you.

d.( ) A: How do you do? My name's...
      B: Nice to meet you. Mine's...

e.( ) A: I haven't met your Managing Director yet.
      B: Oh, I'm sorry. Dr. Mannheim, this is .
      C: Very nice to meet you.

f.( ) A: Let me introduce you two. Maxine, this is Francis.
      B: Nice to meet you.

g.( ) A Could you introduce me to the Marketing Manager?
      B: Of course, John...Philip, let me introduce you to ...
      C: Nice to meet you.

Listening task

(1) A: Hello, let me introduce myself. My name's Klein, Gunther Klein.
    B: Pleased to meet you. I'm Geoff Snowdon.

(2) A: How do you do? My name's Paul Matthews.
    B: Nice to meet you. Mine's Akira Mishima.

(3) A: Hello, I'm Tom.
    B: Nice to meet you. My name's Francine.

(4) A: Peter, could you introduce me to the Marketing Manager?
    B: Of course, John...Philip, let me introduce you to john, our new Computer Manager.
    C: Nice to meet you, John, we're going to be working together.

(5) A: Herr Tubingen, I haven't met your Managing Director yet.
    B: Oh, I'm sorry. Come and meet him. Dr Mannheim, this is Mr. Roberts. He's over from the States on a visit.
    C: Very nice to meet you, Mr. Roberts. How long are you here for?

(6) A: Jane, I don't know anyone here. You'll have to introduce me.
    B: Of course, I'll introduce you to Roger first. He's the host...Roger, this is Susan. She's just moved to the area.
    C: Nice to meet you, Susan. Do you come from these parts?

(7) A: Let me introduce you two. Maxine, this is Francis.
    B: Nice to meet you, Maxine. Are you an old friend of Tony's?
    C: Oh yes, Tony and I have known each other for years, haven't we?
    A: Yes, that's right.
2.Prisentation Introductions often include thes steps:
You heard two types of introduction:
Or } introduction --> response
request for introduction

You head two types of introduction:
introducing yourself
introducing some one else

Notes:1. Some introductions are more formal than others. The use of first names indicates informality.
      2. In English-speaking cultures, peolle usually shake hands on first meting.

     Now listen again and indicate whether the introdcution is formal(F) or informal(I). The first one has been done for you.
     Introduction 1 ( F) Introduction 2 ( )
     Introduction 3 ( ) Introduction 4 ( )
     Introduction 5 ( ) Introduction 6 ( )
     Introduction 7 ( )

3. Contralled practice
  Complete the introductions.
(1). Peter King introduces himself to Jack Simpson:
      Peter King: Hello, My name's Peter King
      Jack Simpson: I'm Jack Simpson.
(2). Philip introduces Sarah to James:
      Sarah: Philip, I Here. You'll have to .
      Philip: Of , I'll to James. He's an old friend of mine.



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