
来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-16    商务英语辅导视频    评论

  口语考试不是百分制的,而是分成五项给分,Pronunciation, Grammar and Vocabulary, Discourse Management, Communication Skills, Global Achievement. 每项按5分为满分计,其中前四项成绩由坐在旁边的考官给出,最后一项成绩由主考官给出。
  其中的Discourse Management 一项,是我们考生同学的薄弱环节,按照中文的表述惯,我们很少使用连词类来表示上下句或句群之间的关系,但是英文在长篇表述的时候很在意连接词的应用,用连接词来表示承上启下,比如在第二部分的mini-presentation 中,很多同学开头的陈述就不清楚,没有清晰的思路,建议考生可以按照以下几种句式开头:
   When doing ...., it is undoubtedly important that..... I have several reasons, first.....

   When doing..... different people have different choices. Some people will say.... but 

   What I think is important is......

   When doing..... the first thing that crosses my mind is ......

   In order to .....some issues have to be considered, for example, ......
  然后,要用清晰的first, second, in addition等表示顺序的词来请听者注意。
   What is important when .....

   Planning health and safety training for employees?

   Selecting training contents

   Staff involvement


  When planning health and safety training for employees, selecting training contents is absolutely essential. Because first, if we don't choose the contents that are compatible with the production requirements, the training will be worthless. Second, if the contents we choose can not match the needs of staff working, they will have no idea about safety at the site. Therefore, we should also contemplate staff involvement, since they are the persons who work at the site on a daily basis, they can ensure what kind of training they do need.



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