
来源:商务英语    发布时间:2013-01-19    商务英语辅导视频    评论

  A Dell is running Dell again. Michael Dell, who began Dell Inc. by building computers in his University of Texas dorm room for other students, is moving back into the position of chief executive at the company. He replaces Kevin Rollins after a year of increasing quality and customer service problems as Apple and Hewlett Packard gained in market share. The company's founder announced plans to streamline the company and to provide more consulting services, which is more profitable than selling hardware. Speaking of his excitement about running the company again, Dell said, "It feels like 1984 and I am starting over again, only this time I have a little more capital." The share price of the $60 billion company jumped 3.6% on the news of his becoming CEO again.


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