
来源:报检员    发布时间:2012-03-10    报检员视频评论



1.free of charge 免费

2.free on board(FOB) 离岸价 (常用的贸易术语)

board n.板

drawing board制图板

chess board棋盘

3.free trade zone自由贸易区

trade n. 买卖;交易;贸易

Trade with other countries is important.与其他国家进行贸易很重要。

the clothes trade服装行业

zone n.环带,圈;气温带

the torrid zone热带

the temperate zone温带

4.freight charge运费


use a fresh page用新的一页

There’s been no fresh news of their trial production of the new model since yesterday.自从昨天以来,一直没有关于这种新型号试生产的新消息。

This fish isn’t fresh; it smells!这条鱼不新鲜,已经发臭了。

6.fresh frozen鲜冻的

7.general tariff rate 普遍税率

tariff n.征税制度, 税率[则]

tariff reform关税改革

raise tariffwalls against foreign goods建立关税壁垒以抵制舶来品

8.grade 等级 ;等级;级别;年级

This grade of wool can be sold at a fairly low price.这种等级的羊毛可以以相当低的价格卖出。

She’s in the fourth grade.她是四年级生。

9.grant 授予,准许;准予,准许

to grant sb. permission to do sth.准许某人做某事

to grant the truth of what sb. says承认某人所说的是真的

10.gross for net 以毛作净

gross adj.肥大的

gross language粗俗的话

gross domestic product国内生产总值

net adj.净的;纯的

net profit纯利

The price of the book is $3 net.这本书实价为3美元。

11.gross weight毛重

(外贸单证中经常会看到,另外经常与其一起出现的还有net weight 净重)


The new television had a guarantee with it.这台新电视机有保修单。


This shop handles paper and stationery.这家商店经营纸张文具。

This bookstore doesn’t handle medical books.这家书店不经销医学类书藉。

14.Harmonized Commodity 商品分类和编码协调


15.Description and Coding System (HS)制度(HS编码



His imitation of that singer is perfect.他模仿那位歌唱家模仿得维妙维肖。


19.imported content 进口成份

20.in accordance with符合,根据

accordance n.按照

in accordance with your orders按照你的命令

21.in advance预先

22.in agreement with 符合,与…一致

agreement n. 一致;同意

They have made an agreement about the plan.他们在这个计划上意见一致了。

His opinion is in agreement with mine.他的意见和我的一致。

23.in bad condition不良状态

24.in conformity with 符合,依照

conformity n.

相似; 一致

conformity certificate合格证(明)

Was his action in conformity with the law?他的行动是否合法?

25.in effect有效

Effects presuppose causes.一种结果必然会有其原因。

Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.含酒精的饮料会对你身体有很坏的影响。

26.in favor of 以…为受款人,有利于

favor n.好感;厚爱

May I ask you a favor? 我可以请您帮个忙吗?

Will you do me a favor and phone for me? 你能否帮个忙给我打个电话?

27.in force生效,实施中

force n.力,力量

the force of the explosion爆炸力

You must use force to open that bottle.你必须用力打开那个瓶子。

New emerging forces are invincible.新生力量是不可战胜的。

the force of gravity地心引力

the forces of evil邪恶势力

the forces of nature自然力

force of example榜样的力量

There is force in what he said.他的话有说服力。

the police force警察部队

The air force is one of the armed forces.空军是武装部队的一种。

in force大批地

The police were there in force.大批警察驻守在那儿。

in force生效;在施行中 (= into force)

join forces (with)联合;合作

The rider forced his horse on through the storm.骑士迫使他的马在暴风雨中前进。

It’s not proper to force your idea upon others.把自己的想法强加于人是不恰当的。

The enemy was forced to ground arms.敌人被迫放下武器。

force the window open用力推开窗

forced laughter强颜欢笑

force the pace加速快跑

28.in good condition状态良好

29.in process Of在…过程中

30.inadequate 不足的,不充分

I felt inadequate in my new job, so I left of my own accord.


31.include 包括

Price $14.90, postage included.价格14.90美元,邮资包括在内。

The United kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales.联合王国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士。



A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.一个路标给我们指出应走的路。


I indicated that his help was not welcome.我表示他的帮助不受欢迎。


In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot.在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。

33.inspection fee检验费


accelerating installation加速装置

aerial installation天线装置

35.installment 分期付款

36.intangible asset无形资产

intangible adj.不可捉摸的;难以明白的

intangible ideas难以明白的观念

assets and liabilities资产与负债

Good health is a great asset.健康是最大的财富。


38.invalid无效的;病人, 残废者, 伤病军人

be invalided for life成终身病人

be invalided out of the army因伤病奉命退伍


issuance of a note签发票据

issuance of licenses发给许可证

issuance of materials发料

issuance of paper money货币发行

40.issuing bank开证银行

issue n.流出;冒出;给出的东西;发行;出版

an issue of a newspaper一种报纸的发行

I bought the novel the day after its issue.我在这部小说发行的第二天就买了一本。

vi., vt. 发行


The teacher issued paper and pencils to all the children.老师把纸和铅笔发给所有的孩子。

They issued the soldiers with guns.他们把枪发给士兵。


His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience.他工作中的困难是由于缺乏经验而引起的。

A crowd of people issued out into the street.一群人涌到了街上。

Blood issued from the cut.血从伤口流出。


There was an interesting item in the newspaper today.在今天的报纸上有一条有趣的新闻。

42.joint venture 合资企业

joint n.连接方法;连接处;接合处;接缝;接头;关节

Venture n. 冒险;

venture capital冒险性资本

43.keep upright 勿倒置

upright adj.笔直的;直立的

Put the bottle upright, not on its side. 把瓶子放直,不要歪着放。

44.label 标签,标记

Attractive label is very necessary.具有吸引力的标签非常必要。

45.landing weight 到岸重量

landing n.着陆;登陆

The plane made a safe landing.飞机安全着陆。

The plane’s landing was delayed because of heavy fog.飞机因大雾推迟降落。

46.late delivery 延期交货

delivery n.递送;送与

There is no delivery of letters on Sundays.星期日不送信。

47.legal 合法的,法定的

legal affairs法律事务

legal adviser法律顾问

take a legal action提起诉讼

a legal holiday法定假日

the legal limit法定速度

legal person法人





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