
来源:报检员    发布时间:2012-03-10    报检员视频评论



运输 transport

1、combined transport 联运

combined adj.组合的, 结合的

transport vt 运输;运送

The goods were transported by train.货物是用火车来运输的。

transport n.运输;运送

the transport of goods by air空运货物

2、containership 集装箱,运货船

3、destination 目的地,目的港

It took us all day to reach our destination.


4、direct consignment 直接运输

direct adj.直接的;笔直的;不弯曲的

a direct result直接后果

the direct rays of the sun太阳的直射光线

We flew direct from London to New York.我们直接从伦敦飞到纽约。

consignment n.寄售;托付

on consignment寄售

We usually only order goods on consignment.我们通常只能订购寄售的货物。

5、discharging port 卸货港

discharging adj.卸载的; 放电的

discharging circuit放电

6、dispatch 发货,发送

to dispatch a business速办公务

7、freight 货运,运费

freight rates运费率

volume of freight货运量

freight agent运输行

8、harbor 港口

The boats in the harbor were safe during the storm.暴风雨来的时候,在港口里的船舶是安全的。

harbor vt.隐匿;窝藏;包庇

9、international railway through transport 国际铁路联运

through adj.对穿的;可通行的;从一端到另一端的

a through beam横梁

a through road走得通的路

10、loading port 装船港

loading n.装货;货物, 船费

loading and unloading装卸

Freight-car loadings continue to slack off.火车货运的运

11、means of conveyance. 运输工具

12、means of transport 运输方式

13、ocean going vessel 远洋轮


going adj.现行的;目前的

That’s the best car going.那是目前最好的车。

The going rate for the job is $8 per hour.这种工作的现行工资是每小时八美元。

There were many vessels in the harbor today.今天港口有许多船只。

14、per rail 经铁路

15、per steamship 由轮船装运

16、port 港口

17、port of arrival 到货港

18、port of delivery 交货港

19、port of discharge/unloading 卸货港

20、port of dispatch 发货港

21、port of loading 装货港

22、ship 船运,装运

23、shipper 货主,托运人,发货人

24、through transport by air ,water and land 空水陆联运

25、train-air –truck through transportation 陆空陆联运

26、transit transportation 中转运输

27、transport 运输

28、vehicle 车辆,运载工具

n.交通工具; 运载工具;车辆

Cars and trucks are vehicles.小汽车和大卡车是交通工具。

29、vessel 船舶

30、via 经,由

(这个单词比较重要,在考试中,根据所给出的英文单证来填写报检单的时候,via 后面的地方就是途径的港口。

例如:from NewYork to Shanghai via Hongkong.从纽约到上海途径香港。


31、voyage 航程


包装 packing

1. bale 包,捆

bales of cotton on the factory floor车间地板上大包大包的棉花

2. barrel 圆桶,桶

on the barrel or on the barrelhead以现金的,现付的不承认、不给或不要信用卡的:

paid cash on the barrel for the car.付现金买了这辆车

In a very awkward position from which extrication is difficult: 困境很难摆脱的艰难处境:

3. basket 筐,篓,篮

They were carrying several baskets of fruit to the market.他们正提着几筐水果到市场上去卖。

a basket of peaches一筐桃子

vt. 把...装[投入]篮中

The chickens were basketed and sent to the market.小鸡被装入篮中送去市场。

as a basket of chips大大地; 非常地, 极端地, 愉快地(笑)

fit for the wastepaper basket只合抛进字纸篓; 毫无用处, 不中用

give sb. the basket拒绝某人的求婚

tub basket桶、筐

4. box 盒,箱

a shoebox鞋盒

a box of fruit一箱水果

Some people have boxes or baskets for letters beside the front door.


a box at the theatre戏院的包厢


money box收费亭

telephone box电话亭


What's on the box tonight?今晚有什么电视节目?

vt., vi.拳击

They boxed (with) each other.他们互相拳击。

5. bucket 桶;vi., vt.倾泻

rain bucketing down倾盆大雨


The car bucketed down the road.车子在路上颠簸而行。

6. bundle 捆,包,束

had a bundle of fun at the dance.舞会上玩得很开心

made a bundle selling real estate.通过卖不动产赚了一大笔钱

7. cardboard 卡纸,卡扳纸

a movie with only cardboard caricatures of its historical subjects.


8. carton 纸箱;纸盒,纸箱一种由纸板或涂胶纸制成的容器:

cans packed in cartons; a milk carton.装在纸板箱内的罐头;盛牛奶的纸盒


dyed the whole carton of eggs.把一纸箱鸡蛋都染上色

9、case 箱,盒;事;事例

a case of stupidity愚笨的事

This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。

a case of poverty穷苦的情形

This is a case of fever.这是一发烧的病例。


a difficult case to prove一个很难办的案子

In this case I'm acting for my friend Mr Smith.我在这次诉讼中代表我的朋友史密斯的利益。

The case was settled out of court.这案件在庭外解决。


The police have a clear case against the prisoner.警察有充足的事实对付那个囚犯。

Is that the case? No, that's not the case.事实是那样吗?不,事实并非如此。

in case以防;可能;倘若

Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。

in case of如果;万一

In case of rain they can't go.万一下雨,他们就不能去了。

10.cask 木桶

11.coat 外套,覆盖 n.大衣;外套

The coat fits.衣服正合身。


a coast of paint一层漆

This woodwork has had its final coat of paint.这件木器已涂完最后一道漆。

coat vt.(常与with, in连用)涂上;覆盖

pills coated with sugar糖衣药丸

The bookshelves were coated in dust.; The bookshelves were coated with dust.书架上积了一层灰。

12.composite packaging 复合包装

composite adj. 合成的;混成的;拼凑成的(事物)

The police artist made a composite picture of the murderer.


Packaging n. 包装

The consumers always complain that too much packaging increases the cost of the food.


13.consumer package 销售包装

consumer n.消费者; 用户

consumers' goods消费品

consumer research 消费者调查; 市场调查

consumer sales resistance消费抵制

consumer ('s) credit分期付款销售

14.container 集装箱;容器;集装箱

container ship集装箱船

container shipping集装箱运输

container base n.集装箱货轮运输总站

15.container No. 集装箱号




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