
来源:报检员    发布时间:2012-03-10    报检员视频评论



16.conventional carton 惯用包装

conventional adj.因袭的;传统的,习惯的

conventional accounting传统会计(不使用计算机,依靠人工记帐的会计)

conventional weapon常规武器

carton n.纸板箱;纸板盒

a carton of eggs一纸箱鸡蛋

17.corrugated paper 瓦楞纸

corrugated adj.弄皱的;使起波纹的

corrugated iron波纹铁

a sheet of paper一张纸

All difficulties are also paper tigers.一切困难也都是纸老虎。

a paper plate纸盘子

Have you seen today's paper?你看到今天的报纸了吗?

a history paper一份历史试卷

read a paper宣读一篇论文

Your English paper is due.你的英语课作业该缴了。

on paper理论上的;未经实践考验的

This plan seem good on paper.这个计划在理论上似乎很好。

18.crate 板条箱,柳条箱n.(装水果、瓶子等的)箱子,篓

a crate of fruit一箱水果

vt. crated, crating装入箱子,装入篓子

19.drum 圆捅

to drum the floor with one's feet用脚敲踏地板作鼓声。

drum into反复向某人灌输(某事)

drum out开除;逐出

drum up击鼓召集;招来;唤起;争取

20.flexible package 软包装

flexible adj.易弯曲的;灵活的;有伸缩性的

We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly flexible.


Package n.包;包袱;包裹;包装

a package of cigarettes一包香烟

The packages are intact.包装完好无损。

package vt.-aged, -aging打包,包装

to package Christmas presents将圣诞礼物包好

21.gunny bag 麻袋

gunny n.粗黄麻布, 麻布袋

22.in bulk 散装


The bulk of the work has been done.工作大部份已经完成。

23.inner/interior packing 内包装

inner adj.内部的;在内的

an inner room内室

interior adj.内部的

interior decoration室内装饰

interior design室内装饰业

24. inner –lined with 内衬

lined adj.具线纹的;衬里的, 衬垫的

25.jumbo bag 集装袋

jumbo adj.巨大的, 粗大的

two-deck jumbo双层钻车

26.keg 小桶

wooden keg小木桶

27.kraft paper 牛皮纸

kraft n.牛皮纸; 牛皮浆

28.lash 捆扎

(常与against, down连用)猛烈打击,猛烈冲击

The waves lashed the smooth cliffs.波浪冲击着光滑的峭壁。

(与down, together连用)系紧,结紧

We lashed down the boat to a tree.我们把船拴在一棵树上。

29.oil paper 油纸

vegetable and animal oils 植物油和动物油

crude oil 原油

30.outer/exterior packing 外包装

outer adj.远离中心的;外面的

exterior adj.外面的;外在的:

the exterior door.外面的门

the exterior of the house.这所房子的外部

a friendly exterior.一幅友好的外表

31.pack 包装,包

32.package 包装,包件

33.packaging material 包装材料

packaging n.包装

material n.物质;原料;材料;布料

blue cotton material蓝棉布料

collecting material for a book搜集素材(资料)写书

There is singer material among these young girls.在这些年轻姑娘中有些是当歌唱家的人才。

34.packet 小抱,小捆

n. 小包;包裹

a packet of letters一包信

a packet of 20 cigarettes一盒20支香烟

to make a packet赚一大笔钱

That house cost me a packet.我花了一大笔钱买了那幢房子。


packet boat

a captain of the packet邮船船长

35.pad 垫,衬垫


to put a pad under a plate在盘子下面放一个垫子

American footballers wear shoulder-pads for protection.美国橄榄球运动员戴垫肩以保护双肩。


telephone numbers written on a pad写在拍纸簿上的电话号码

a pad of green lawn between two heathery steeps在两处石南丛生的陡坡中间的一小块绿草地

Come back to my pad.回到我的住处。


to pad out an article拼凑一篇文章

to pad out one's speech拼凑演说

vt., vi.走路;轻轻地走

The dog padded along the road.狗沿着马路轻轻走去。

36.pail 桶

n.提桶; 一桶的量; [美口]容器

a pail of milk一桶牛奶

a dinner pail 饭盒子

37.pallet 托盘

38.plastic bag 塑料袋

plastic adj.可塑的, 易塑的, 塑性的, 粘性的;塑料的, 塑料制成的

a plastic substance可塑物质

plastic cups塑料杯

the plastic arts造型艺术

the plastic mind of children孩子们易受影响的思想

plastic surgery整形外科

39.plastic woven bag 塑编袋

woven: weave 的过去分词

40.rigid package 硬包装

rigid adj.坚挺的; 不能弯曲的, 刚硬的;坚强的;

a rigid support for a tent坚挺的帐篷支柱

rigid in one's views 意志坚定

rigid metal girder刚度大的金属大梁

rigid discipline严格的训练

rigid adherence to rules严守规则

41.sack 粗布袋,袋

The potatoes were put into sacks.马铃薯装进了麻袋。


to give sb. the sack解雇某人

I'll get the sack if I arrive at the office late!如果上班迟到,我就得被开除。

sack vt.装入袋中

The child sacked the toys.孩子把玩具装进了袋。

One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness.有名工人因喝醉酒而被解雇。

to put the town to the sack洗劫城镇

42.Seal No. 铅封号


a monarch's seal.皇帝的御玺

seal a blacktop driveway.在马路铺沥青

43.vacuum packaging 真空包装

Her death left a vacuum in his life.她的去世给他的生活留下一片真空。

vacuum vt.用吸尘器打扫(房间等)

to vacuum the carpet用吸尘器清洁地毯

44.water-proof paper bag 防水纸袋

45.wooden case 木箱

wooden adj.木(制)的;呆板的; 笨拙不灵的

a wooden bench木凳

a wooden manner笨拙的举止

46.wooden crate 板条箱

47.wrap 卷,包,裹

vt.①裹, 包; 缠绕; 捆 ②隐藏, 掩饰, 伪装 ③覆盖

wrap a book in a piece of paper用纸将书包起

wrap oneself up in a coat把身子裹在外衣里

The affair is wrapped in mystery.这件事真相不明。

vi. ①缠[盘]绕; 重叠 ②穿外衣; 围好围巾

(up) wrap up into a small package包成小包

Mind you wrap up well if you go out你出外的话要围好围巾 。

n. ①包裹(物); 覆盖(物) ②披肩; 毯子; 手帕; ③ 包裹物, 包装纸

use transparent film as a wrap用透明塑料纸作包装纸

a new weapon under wraps一种秘密的新武器



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