
来源:ACCA/CAT    发布时间:2012-02-04    ACCA/CAT视频    评论


 ALL TEN questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted

1     In relation to the basic legal system of China:

(a)   (i)  explain the term judicial interpretation ;                                                                     (3 marks)

(ii) explain the legal basis for the Supreme People’s Court to issue a judicial interpretation .                    (3 marks)

(b)   Article 428 of the Contract Law of China provides that upon the implementation of this law, the previous contract

laws   shall   be   simultaneously   abolished.   Based   on   this   provision,   the   Supreme   People’s   Court   has   issued   a

Judicial Interpretation on the Application of the Contract Law.

In   relation   to   this   Judicial   Interpretation,   state   the   rule   of   the   applicable   law   to   deal   with   a   contractual

dispute brought to the people’s court after the date of implementation of the Contract Law but the contract

was concluded before that date.                                                                                     (4 marks)

(10 marks)

2     In relation to the Property Law of China:

(a)   explain the legal basis for creating legitimate possession, and the rules for determining the matters arising

from possession;                                                                                                    (3 marks)

(b)   state the right of claim of a LEGITIMATE POSSESSOR against various tortuous activities that infringe upon

or impair the possession, or damage the immovable or movable property under a legitimate possession;

(4 marks)

(c)   state the rules of compensation to a RIGHT HOLDER for any immovable or movable damaged, destroyed or

lost by a possessor.                                                                                                (3 marks)

(10 marks)

3    In relation to the Labour Contract Law of China:

(a)   explain the circumstances in which a labour contract is not allowed to incorporate a provision of probation.

(4 marks)

(b)   explain the relevant restrictions on the PERIOD of probation in a labour contract.                                  (6 marks)

(10 marks)

4    In relation to the Contract Law of China:

(a)   explain the term withdrawal of an offer;                                                                            (2 marks)

(b)   explain the term revocation of an offer;                                                                            (2 marks)

(c)   distinguish between withdrawal of an offer and revocation of an offer;                                              (4 marks)

(d)   state whether a contract is formed where an offer and a notice of withdrawal of the offer reach the offeree

simultaneously.                                                                                                     (2 marks)



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