
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  The Great Game between India and China to foster business ties with resource-rich Myanmar is getting fiercer.


  India has long stood in China's shadow when it comes to investing in Myanmar, also known as Burma. China, which like India shares a border with Myanmar, accounts for two-thirds of investment in the country and almost half of its bilateral trade.


  But there are signs of change as India more aggressively pushes its 'Look East' policy to balance China's influence in Asia.

  相关报道但有迹象表明,随着印度更加激进地推行“东向政策”(Look East)以平衡中国在亚洲的影响力,情况已经开始发生变化。

  Myanmar President Thein Sein visited India last week with a large delegation of ministers. The visit, coming only days after Myanmar announced it was suspending a controversial $3.6-billion dam being constructed by a Chinese company, has Indian commentators talking about a window of opportunity for New Delhi in Myanmar.

  缅甸总统吴登盛(Thein Sein)上周率由多位部长组成的大规模代表团访问了印度。就在这次访问前数天,缅甸刚刚叫停由一家中国公司承建的造价达36亿美元的引发了不少争议的大坝项目。印度的评论人士因此认为,印度投资缅甸的机遇之门已经打开。

  Srinath Raghavan, a senior fellow at the New Delhi--based Center for Policy Research, a think tank, wrote in The Hindu Business Line newspaper Monday that Myanmar's generals are worried that China's focus on resources is not creating employment.

  总部位于新德里的智库政策研究中心(Center for Policy Research)高级研究员斯里纳特•拉加万(Srinath Raghavan)周一在《印度商业线报》 (The Hindu Business Line)上撰文说,缅甸领导人担心,中国对资源的关注没有为缅甸创造就业机会。

  “Myanmar does not wish to be locked in an exclusive embrace with China,” Mr. Raghavan wrote.


  India has been slower than China to develop infrastructure in Myanmar and to benefit from its natural resources but appears to want to redress the balance.


  Last week, India announced it was lending $500 million to Myanmar to help develop projects, including irrigation works.


  In a briefing, India's Ministry of External Affairs said it finally was serious about plans to develop Myanmar's Sittwe port in western Rakhine state. India agreed to finance and carry out the $110-million project in 2008 but has so far failed to deliver on its promise.

  B. Mathur/Reuters缅甸总统吴登盛与印度总理辛格上周在新德里。印度外交部在新闻吹风会上说,印度终于认真考虑了开发缅甸西部若开邦(Rakhine)实兑港(Sittwe)计划。印度曾于2008年同意执行这个造价1.1亿美元的项目并为其融资,但到目前为止仍没有兑现承诺。

  An Indian company, Essar Group, recently began work on the port and dredging the Kaladan River, and plans to complete the job by 2013, the ministry said last week.

  印度外交部上周说,印度公司Essar Group前不久已开始了实兑港的开发工作,并开始对卡拉丹河(Kaladan River)进行清淤,计划于2013年之前完工。

  The idea is for India to ship goods from its eastern port of Kolkata to Sittwe, where they can then travel up-river, either back into India's cut-off northeastern states or on into Myanmar.


  India also is pushing ahead with plans to develop a road network from Manipur state through Myanmar and down into Thailand, a policy which in the past has been delayed because of Indian fears that separatists from its northeast who hide out in isolated parts of Myanmar might use these roads to facilitate attacks.


  These measures, although yet to be completed, come as India is re-invigorating its 'Look East' policy, developed in the 1990s to focus on relations with its Asian neighbors after the demise of the Soviet Union, but never really developed.


  Recently, India has been beefing up defense ties with countries like Japan and Vietnam to counter China's rising assertiveness in the region, especially the resource-rich South China Sea, which is the focus of territorial disputes between Beijing and a number of countries.


  Myanmar's state visit came on the heels of a trip to India last week by Vietnam's President Truong Tan Sang. During that visit, both sides firmly stated they would go ahead with joint gas-development projects in the South China Sea, despite China's warnings this would amount to an infringement of its sovereignty.

  缅甸总统对印度进行国事访问之前,越南国家主席张晋创(Truong Tan Sang) 刚刚于上周访问过印度。在这次访问中,越南和印度不顾中国的警告,坚定地声明将继续推进共同开发南中国海油气资源的项目。中国称两国的项目对中国的主权构成了侵犯。

  Still, India has a long way to go until it can challenge China, with whom it fought a brief border war in 1962, in Myanmar or elsewhere in East Asia.


  China, which won that war, knows that its military and economic heft gives it huge negotiating power. China became India's largest trading partner last year, with two-way trade touching $60 billion, much higher than the $1.28 billion that India does with Myanmar. While China exports communications equipment to India, fueling its economic growth, Myanmar is a source of pulses.


  Indian officials were keen last week to stress that there's room enough for India and China in Myanmar and that development there was not a “zero sum game.”


  That attitude also partly reflects that India knows it'll likely have to rely on Chinese infrastructure to get resources out of Myanmar.


  China is building a pipeline from the Rakhine coast to southern China to transport oil and gas extracted offshore in Burmese waters. It's also building a new deep-water port at Kyauk Phyu, not far from India's development at Sittwe.

  中国正在铺设一条从缅甸的若开邦至中国南部的石油管道,用来输送从缅甸近海海域开发出来的石油和天然气。此外,中国还在皎漂(Kyauk Phyu)建设一个深水港,距印度开发的实兑港不远。

  Indian companies that are prospecting for gas in Burmese waters, which include Essar and state-owned ONGC Videsh, will likely have to use this pipeline to sell gas to China because plans to build a similar India-Myanmar pipeline have so far stalled.

  印度公司依靠缅甸海域天然气开发项目上赚了不少钱,其中包括Essar石油公司和印度国营石油天然气公司(ONGC)的海外投资公司ONGC Videsh。这些公司很可能利用这条管道向中国出售天然气,因为印度与缅甸之间铺设一条类似管道的方案一直在拖延之中。

  Nevertheless, the game to take on China in Myanmar is on.




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