
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  China’s military has warned Washington that its $5.9bn arms deal with Taiwan would become a “serious obstacle” to US-China military relations, blaming the frequent disruptions in bilateral military dialogue on Washington.


  Beijing’s angry reaction to the Obama administration’s decision to help Taiwan modernise its air force with advanced radar systems, munitions and missiles underscores the difficulties in balancing Washington’s commitment to helping the island defend itself with its effort to build a stable relationship with China.


  “[The US move] will create a serious obstacle to developing normal ex-changes between the two militaries,” the ministry of defence said, adding that the “US has ignored China’s firm opposition and insisted on selling arms to Taiwan”.


  Analysts say Washington tried to accommodate Beijing in the structure and timing of the F-16 deal, hoping to avoid another suspension of bilateral military dialogue.


  “I think China-US military exchanges may once again be partly or completely suspended,” said Shi Yinhong, director of the Centre on American Studies at Renmin University.

  中国人民大学(Renmin University)美国研究中心(Centre on American Studies)主任时殷弘认为,中美两军的军事交流可能会再一次部分或完全中断。

  Prof Shi said Beijing’s immediate response was very similar to that after Washington’s last Taiwan arms deal, in January 2010.


  After switching diplomatic recognition from the Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China in 1979, the US guaranteed through domestic law to help Taiwan defend itself. Washington is supposed to take into consideration only Taiwan’s defence needs and not Beijing’s views, but in practice the US government has tried to manage the structure and communication of arms deals with Taiwan to minimise the negative impact on its growing ties with Beijing.


  “We now have a policy in Washington towards Taiwan that sometimes seems too much co-ordinated with Beijing,” said Mark Stokes, a security analyst and former Pentagon official.

  安全分析人士、前五角大楼官员石明凯(Mark Stokes)指出:“我们目前在华盛顿的对台政策,有时候与北京方面太过协调一致了。”

  Taiwan has wanted 66 new F-16 fighter aircraft since 2006 but Washington refused to accept the request. The package it has now approved falls short of what Taipei requested and, according to defence experts, still leaves the island unable to match China’s rapidly growing and modernising air force.


  Criticism of the decision to scale back the order from Taiwan and its supporters in the US Congress has driven the administration to say it has not ruled out selling the aircraft in the future and to emphasise that arms sales to Taiwan are actually on the rise – a line that could jeopardise efforts to calm China.


  “If you look and compare ?.?.?.?what was provided, for instance, in the previous [Bush] administration, [with] what has been provided by the Obama administration, essentially, we have provided twice the amount in half the time,” said a senior White House official on Wednesday.

  美国白宫(White House)一名高级官员周三表示:“比如说,如果你观察一下上一届(布什)政府提供的军火,再与奥巴马政府时期进行比较,就会发现实际上我们在一半的时间里,提供了两倍的量。”

  In an interview published on the website of People’s Daily, the Communist party’s mouthpiece, on Thursday, a prominent military hawk raised the stakes.


  Major General Luo Yuan, a military scholar, suggested China could “learn from Russia”, which had vowed to deploy nuclear missiles on its western frontier in response to a US proposal to deploy a missile defence system in central Europe. Maj Gen Luo said Beijing should step up its military threat to Taiwan.




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