
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  Chinese property stocks suffered double-digit declines on Thursday amid growing fears that developers are losing access to funding and will be forced to slash prices.


  The trigger for the tumble was a Reuters report that the Chinese banking regulator had ordered trust companies to assess their risks from lending to Greentown, the largest builder in the eastern province of Zhejiang.


  The news was “another sign that the government is cutting the funding sources for developers”, said Credit Suisse analysts.

  瑞信(Credit Suisse)分析师表示,这一消息是“又一个迹象,表明政府正在切断开发商的资金来源”。

  Greentown’s Hong Kong-listed shares tumbled 16.2 percent, though the group said it was unaware of any investigation by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.


  Other Hong Kong-listed developers that use trust financing include Agile Property, Evergrande, KWG and Shimao, says Credit Suisse. All four fell more than 10 percent. The wider market dropped 4.9 percent.

  据瑞信表示,使用信托融资的其它香港上市开发商包括雅居乐(Agile Property)、恒大地产(Evergrande)、合景泰富(KWG)和世茂(Shimao)。这4只股票昨日跌幅均超过10%。香港股市大盘则下跌4.9%。

  Chinese property stocks have been in the grip of a savage bear market for more than a year as investors anticipated the effects of the government’s crackdown on property speculation and soaring prices.


  “Initially, people were worrying about earnings. What happened is that people started to worry about balance sheet problems as well as cash flow and funding,” said Agnes Deng, head of China equities at Baring Asset Management.

  “起初人们对企业盈利感到担心。后来人们开始对资产负债表问题,对现金流和资金来源都感到担心,”霸菱资产管理(Baring Asset Management)的中国股票主管邓鸿文(Agnes Deng)表示。



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