
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  A global survey of business leaders released on Tuesday shows that while most expect China to dominate the world economy in a decade’s time, it won’t be through innovation.


  In fact, over a third of those surveyed by the Harvard Business Review thought China already was the global economic leader, but ranked the country only just ahead of Japan in terms of innovation, and way behind the US.

  实际上,在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)进行的这项调查中,超过三分之一的受访者认为中国已然是全球经济的领导者。但在创新力排名上,中国仅勉强排在日本之前,远远落后于美国。

  Adi Ignatius, editor of the HBR, commented that “half of the respondents expect China to surpass the US as the global economic leader in the next ten years. On the other hand, there’s debate among this group about whether China is capable of overtaking the US as the leading source of innovation as well. Most think not.”

  《哈佛商业评论》主编阿迪?伊格内休斯(Adi Ignatius)评论道:“一半受访者预计中国将在未来10年超过美国,成为全球经济的领导者。至于中国是否同样能够取代美国成为最大的创新来源,这个问题还存在争议。大部分受访者持否定意见。”

  Comments made by respondents also questioned whether China and India had the economic policies and internal structures to sustain their explosive economic growth.


  While beyondbrics has a healthy scepticism of surveys, the HBR research did meet the criteria to be taken seriously (1,379 respondents, sensible questions) - and shows that the prevailing narrative of Chinese dominance is not universally shared.


  Which country is the most innovative in the world?


  US 46.3%    美国 46.3%

  China 10.4%   中国 10.4%

  Japan 8.5%   日本 8.5%

  India 6.0%    印度 6.0%

  Germany 4.4%  德国 4.4%

  South Korea 2.8%  韩国 2.8%

  Brazil 2.2%   巴西 2.2%

  Singapore 2.1%   新加坡 2.1%

  Israel 2.0%   以色列 2.0%

  Switzerland 2.0%   瑞士 2.0%

  source: HBR   来源: 《哈佛商业评论》

  But the location of respondents – primarily based in North America (38.8 percent) and Europe (34.4 percent), with only ten percent in Asia – may explain why Asian innovation was given such a low score.


  More importantly, the high score for the US in innovation but its predicted fall from economic power shows that most business leaders don’t think the country can innovate its way out of debt.




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