
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  China recently took another step in presenting Li Keqiang, the country's presumptive next premier, as a global statesman, touting a meeting with Pakistani President and close ally Asif Ali Zardari and leaders of other central Asian countries, which China has courted in recent years for their geostrategic positioning as well as abundant energy resources.  

  中国最近再度让李克强展现作为国际化官员的一面,大力宣传他与巴基斯坦总统、中国的亲密盟友扎尔达里(Asif Ali Zardari)和其他中亚国家领导人的一次会晤。李克强有望担任中国下一任总理。由于这几个国家的地缘战略地位和丰富的自然资源,中国近几年对它们大献殷勤。

  The meetings in the far western city of Urumqi, capital of the restive Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, were part of the China-Eurasia Expo, a trade fair that received substantial coverage in the state-run press last week. Mr. Li's meetings in Xinjiang came a week after a high-profile visit to Hong Kong by the vice premier, an effort to thrust Mr. Li into the global spotlight, analysts said. The Chinese Internet lit up after Mr. Li, in an unusual move for a ranking Chinese leader, broke into English at the end of a speech he was delivering at The University of Hong Kong.


  Mr. Li's attendance at the Xinjiang expo and his meeting with Mr. Zardari could be a signal of Beijing's support for Mr. Li at a time when some voices in government -- particularly those in the finance industry -- have questioned his credentials. Mr. Li, who as premier would be a leading voice on China's economy, promoted bolstering trade ties with neighboring central Asian states while at the same time focusing on domestic development in largely impoverished regions like Xinjiang, a key theme of the current 12th Five-Year Plan.


  The trade fair appeared to be the first chance for the two leaders to meet since Mr. Li emerged as the frontrunner for the Chinese premiership based on state media reports of Mr. Li's official appearances in recent years. Pakistan is among China's closest allies, and strong military ties between the countries have long worried Washington.


  The trade fair in Urumqi, which kicked off on Thursday and concludes Monday, brings together two of the challenges facing China's future leaders: boosting ties with central Asian neighbors, whose reserves of natural gas and other resources are critical to fueling China's growing economy; and curbing domestic unrest among ethnic minorities in places like Xinjiang. Mr. Li said in a speech Thursday that Xinjiang would play a role in developing China's interior and western border regions, where development has lagged significantly behind China's increasingly wealthy east.


  Outgoing President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have struggled to quell ethnic unrest across western China in recent years. The government has promoted investment in places like Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia, though observers say much of that economic development has benefited Han implants migrants to the region, exacerbating social and economic disparities between minority and Han ethnic groups. Mr. Li said Thursday that China must continue 'the theme of developing common prosperity,' according to the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily newspaper.


  Mr. Zardari said Thursday that Pakistan and China need to cooperate more closely to fight terrorism. Chinese police claimed earlier in the week they had thwarted several attacks planned during the trade fair by separatists in the region, who authorities say are training at overseas bases. Still, most analysts don't believe Uyghur separatists are linked to global terror networks such as al-Qaeda.




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