
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  Well, that was a crazy day. The Dow went from down about 150 points to up about 70, apparently sparked by a news report, citing anonymous sources, that Italy is in talks to get China to buy a bunch of Italian sovereign debt.


  Never mind that Reuters reported that Italy's Economy Minister, Giulio Tremonti, said Asian investors weren't interested in Italian debt as long as the ECB isn't buying it.

  路透社(Reuters)的报道就不用放在心上了。路透的报道称,意大利经济部长特蕾蒙蒂(Giulio Tremonti)说,只要欧洲央行没有购买意大利国债,亚洲投资者就不会有兴趣。

  Never mind that the initial story was a little self-serving for Mr. Anonymous Official: There's an Italian sale of 2018 and 2020 bonds coming tomorrow, conveniently. Hey, don't worry about buying these bonds, the first story seemed to say, China will be coming along to take them off your hands any minute now.


  And never mind that sovereign-debt purchases, whether by the ECB, China, Warren Buffett or the Green Bay Packers, will not solve the underlying debt problems that are the root of Europe's worries.

  至于购买国债(无论买方是欧洲央行、中国、巴菲特(Warren Buffett)还是Green Bay Packers橄榄球队)并不能解决引发欧洲困境的根本性债务问题,也不用放在心上了。

  This thinnest of hopes was all it took to make the stock market forget for a moment about those euro-zone woes, which seemed so existential just 12 hours ago.


  There's a lot of technical stuff at work here, too, with the S&P fighting to stay above the 1150 level and the Dow fighting to stay above 11000. Mission accomplished on both fronts today.


  Tech and financials led the rally, with the S&P 500's tech and financial sectors up 1.3% and 1.2%, respectively. So that's good.


  Less good is that the VIX finished a little higher, at 39, and the Dow transports didn't come along for the ride -- I've got a million more jokes like that -- and finished the day lower.




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