
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  Mukesh Ambani and Li Ka-shing may soon get new company in their wealth club. While the U.S. and western European economies continue to be in the doldrums, Asia, with its steady economic growth, will supply the next set of millionaires (and billionaires), says a new report.

  印度首富穆克什•安巴尼(Mukesh Ambani)和李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)所在的财富俱乐部可能会很快增添新成员。一份新出炉的报告说,尽管美国和西欧经济体持续低迷,但经济稳步增长的亚洲在未来将出现一批百万甚至亿万富豪。

  CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, an Asian brokerage and investment group in a report on wealth, estimates Asia (excluding-Japan) has 1.2 million high-net-worth individuals, those who have investable assets of $1 million or above (excluding their first homes). Within five years this number will increase 2.4 times, from 2010 levels, taking the number of fat cats to 2.8 million, and the dollar value of their assets to $16 trillion from $5.6 trillion.

  Getty Images中国富豪数量的增长比印度更快。亚洲经纪商和投资集团里昂证券亚太区市场(CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)在一份财富报告中估计,亚洲(不含日本)有120万高净值个人。高净值个人是指可投资资产在100万美元或以上(不含首套房产)的富豪。五年之内这一数字将在2010年的水平上增加2.4倍,富豪数量将达到280万。以美元计算他们的资产价值将从5.6万亿美元上升到16万亿美元。

  Indonesia, China and Thailand will see the highest growth rates of over 20%.


  China will make up the largest part of the increase in wealth for the region. Over the next five years, some 900,000 Chinese will enter the wealth ranks, says CLSA. Factor in the really, really fat cats of Honk Kong, it will make up over 60% of CLSA's estimated increase in HNWIs' total wealth in the region.


  India, once again, is a distant second. The number of Indian fat cats will rise from approximately 170,000 in 2010 to over 400,000 in five years, accounting for a mere 15% of the projected increase in investable assets. The other Asian nations will contribute a much smaller share of the wealth generation, the report said.


  The key drivers for wealth creation include an increase in savings (as the economy improves); an improved return on assets as stock markets provide strong returns and property prices escalate; and finally, an appreciation of Asian exchange rates.


  All that's well and good but as the report points out, the gap between the haves and the have nots, will also continue to grow. The skew is more pronounced in developing countries like India and Indonesia and less pronounced in developed countries like Singapore and South Korea.


  In Singapore and Hong Kong, the average adult's wealth is around $150,000. For the less developed countries, wealth levels are a fraction of these. The typical person in India, the Philippines and Indonesia has less than $5,000. In China, mean wealth is around $22,000 per adult.




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